Tl072 vs tl082. Find the one that meets your needs.
Tl072 vs tl082. Scroll to continue with content.
Tl072 vs tl082 5 V V CM Input Common-Mode Voltage V S = ±15V ±11 +15 V Range −12 V CMRR Common-Mode Rejection Ratio R S ≤ 10 kΩ 70 100 dB PSRR Supply Voltage Rejection Ratio (Note 7) 70 100 dB I S Supply Current 3. The low harmonic distortion and low noise make the TL072 ideally suited for high-fidelity and audio preamplifier applications. So small difference is nothing, in practical use. The TL072 also has a higher frequency response than the TL082, with a frequency response of 5 MHz compared to 2. Please subscribe for more demos of vintage & rare effects pedals!Today, I want to take a very brief look at Op-Amp chip TL082 = 0. . includes VCC+ • Low input bias and offset currents • Low noise: Vn = 18nV/√Hz (typ) at f = 1kHz • Output short-circuit protection TL082, and TL084) devices. Find parameters, ordering and quality information The MCP602 is a single-supply op-amp, ie it only needs a positive voltage supply to work. The key virtue over other, higher-bandwidth 1. 47 This is from their comparison chart. TL082 sound and noisefloor. TL072 vs TL072CP; TL072 vs TL072CP. Early YAMAHA mixers (such as the MX series) What Are the Comparison of TL082 and TL072? Though both op-amps have similarities, the TL072 offers lower noise levels and a better frequency response. Mức độ nhiễu thấp và độ TI’s TL082 is a Dual, 30-V, 3-MHz, 13-V/µs slew rate, In to V+, JFET-input op amp. The TL082 also has a higher input bias current (65 pA vs. There are many that are good and many that excel in specific areas. Joined 2005. 25 V to ±20 V, 4. Low noise, low power consumption, fast slew speeds, latch-free operation, and a low-temperature coefficient are Yes, the only differences between the TL082 and TL082A are the electrical characteristics in section 6. Can the TL072 be used for video applications? Is there a PSRR vs Frequency diagram for TL082 & TL072? Thanks. Indeed, its possible that It seems that many people ask TL072 and TL082, which better is. But I appreciate the advice, and will try to get a few of those. TI-Produkt TL072-EP ist ein(e) Verbessertes Produkt – Dual-Operationsverstärker, 30 V, 3 MHz, hohe Anstiegsrate (13 V/µs), in zu V+. Recommended method is to hook it up as a voltage follower (inv input wired to output) and connect the non-inv input to ground (if operated single-supply then connect it to the mid-supply reference or other voltage within the input common-mode range). I want to build an octal buffered multiple, with a functionality similar to the planned A-180-4 Quad Buffer. TL082 is a more noisier replacement, and is fully voltages and pin´s compatible, but TL072is a very For Texas, the only difference I have read is Noise. 5V below the supply, leaving 3. This device features high slew rates, low input bias and offset current, and low offset voltage temperature coefficient. First of all, considering input bias voltage, the TL072 exhibits a low input bias voltage, typically ranging from 1 mV to 5 mV, whereas the TL082 has a comparatively higher I take it you mean TL072 - there is a TLE2072 which is a much improved version of the bog standard TL072. TL082/TL084: "higher quality"/more hifi version of the TL072/TL074. However, in newer versions, the noise values are similar. TI's website has side by side comparison features. @îð Á½ V. Dec 31, 2020 #2 edit2 - There is a significant difference between the TL072 and your alternative amplifers. 5 MHz. Alternatives to TL082? • Alternatives like NE5532 or TL072 could replace TL082 when high input impedance is Welcome to Perky's Analog Gear Demos. From circuitbending to homebrew stompboxes & synths, keep the DIY spirit alive! 38 posts 1 There is enough overlap between what an 833 "likes" and what a TL072 likes, that there should not be a difference. One has an impedance past the megohms, the other is spec'd below megohms. It's pretty stable, drives a resonable load and doesn't have any bad habits. Oakley Sound Modular Synthesisers and Effects Part Number: TL072 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TL082 Hello - In a small amplifier circuit I have designed, I am reliably getting 10dB more noise on the TI-Produkt TL072 ist ein(e) Zwei-Kanal-JFET-Eingang-Operationsverstärker, 30 V, 3 MHz, hohe Flankensteilheit (13 V/µs), In to V+. Print. I guess it was the same die and then parts were selected by testing. If you're limited to Radio Shack for a supplier, the LM339 quad comparator will be adequate; it'll be much faster than the TL082 and far faster than the LM324. Op-amp: TL072 vs. Hi! I'm in the planning stages of building my first pedal, an MXR Distortion II. 741 #1. You simply don't have enough supply voltage, bottom line, end of story. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Similar to the OPA2134 we introduced a couple of days ago; the TL082 is a TL072 is mainly used where high-accuracy is needed with respect to low harmonic and noise, as used for audio pre-amplification. Although recent variations show similar noise levels, the TL072 still holds a superior frequency response of 5 MHz compared to the TL082's 2. But What is the difference between TL072 and TL082? TL072 and TL082 are both dual integrated operational amplifiers, and they have differences in parameters and applications. I guess it was the same die and then parts were selected 82s are rejected 72s due to a higher noise floor so using a tl072 is often a better idea. Member. It is widely used in quality audio ( whereas the 082 isn't ). User actions. Started by FUNCTOR, July 20, 2016, 04:55:41 PM. Paid Member. Note: Complete Technical Details can be found in the TL082 IC datasheet given at the end of this page. Where to use TL082. Therefore, until you get past 6V across the rails, nothing useful is going to happen with a TL082. I need a low noise drop-in replacement for the TL072CP (I broke one of the legs removing the original). 5 V to 40 V NE5532 needs lower noise voltage than TL072, the high slew rate of NE5532 is also lower than TL072. 8mA TL071 = 2. A = 25˚C 25 100 V/mV V O = ±10V, R L =2kΩ Over Temperature 15 V/mV V O Output Voltage Swing V S = ±15V, R L =10kΩ ±12 ±13. I did a blind test between those, and a few that are supposed to be better. Top. Not op amp swaping in general. • Common-Mode Input Voltage Range Includes V CC+ The JFET-input operational amplifiers in the TL072 are similar to the TL082, with low input bias and offset currents and fast slew rate. F¾§i Kmv ¼© aù à æ»k¥ë' ¼)B áÝ©žäw âíð||r§t©]V GõÑÍí ò ¬ ì VnØå# ¼© Ü`þZeùY¿®q+G¬ô õÕ’Z„¸ êþ&Ý,¢H Ö5¹– [>¢Âj â wÔÕ¿[ × 6ðã#*¬F—Û©æCá‹õ ¯÷P’ÛÐä ;*¬ !Žp=¯ ¾ å'ïÁ «Eˆ[²×ʽYše ÛQjבß'n^ *M|np# ;. TL072, TL072A, TL072B Low noise JFET dual operational amplifiers Datasheet - production data . \$\endgroup\$ – Chris Stratton. Encuentre parámetros, información sobre pedidos y calidad Differences between TL082 and LM393? • TL082 is a dual op-amp. Joined Jan 21, 2019 2,610. NE5532 vs TL072: Applications NE5532. if it's battery powered, you will want to find a low power op amp as a replacement. Also "good" can mean different things. 2. For example you could run half a dozen TL072's for the current one NE5532 or LM4562 draws. Features • Wide common-mode (up to V CC +) and differential voltage range • Low input bias and offset current • Low noise e. n = 15 nV/√Hz (typ) • Output short-circuit protection • High input impedance JFET input stage TL072 vs. TL082 Equivalent Op-Amp. anatech. The TL07x series used to be the noise tested versions of the TL08x series but today they are the same. It's nearly 30 years old TL071 and TL072 are JFET op amps with certain specs and sound and output Z. Each amplifier features JFET inputs (for high input impedance) coup°C with What is the Difference Between TL072 and TL082? TL072 and TL082 are both dual integrated operational amplifiers, and they have differences in parameters and applications. The TL072 has the same current draw IIRC but lower noise. ² Ì*Â¥ÇÛ\˜ˆ÷G½ôÚ¬'ëkò ¬ TL072 works most of the time but I almost always find a better substitute in dirt pedals. I had some opa2132 chips on hand and installed them the problem was solved and the amp actually sounds better I isolated the chip and tested it with a couple of potentiometers. Board Rules; 2. I've not dug into the separate data sheets later in the brochure. They key characteristic that may be a problem is that the MCP602 can happily handle signals that get right down to the negative voltage rail, ie ground in that schematic, while the the TL082 can't. The TL072 is a FET based one, so has much lower bias and offset currents, and typically a higher voltage noise and lower current noise. Joined 2014. The old LF353 is close also. Reactions: Matopotato, airbud, Erik S That are only 0. 8 V above Vee. 6 5. No wonder Input impedance is vastly different between the NE5532 and tl072. 003% (typ) • Wide supply voltage: ±2. Where to Use TL072. The schematic calls for TL072 TI-Produkt TL082 ist ein(e) Zweifach-Operationsverstärker mit JFET-Eingang, 30 V, 3 MHz, 13-V/µs-Anstiegsrate, In zu V+. The TL072 was identical to the TL082 except that the TL072 had lower noise and the TL082 had lower offset voltage. Commented Jul 17, 2014 at 19:58. What are the differences between the OPA2134 and TL072? There are some major differences between OPA2134 and TL072; for one, since OPA2134 has a unity-gain bandwidth of 8MHz vs 3MHz in the case of TL072, there is a significant difference in the typical quiescent current: Hello, is the TL082 chip considered to be a drop in replacement for the LF353? I had both lf353 chips go bad on the RCA input board causing my power amp to go straight to protect mode. TL072s are quieter, TL082s are cheaper. Checking with an online Johnson noise calculator, with t=20°C, bandwidth 1kHz and R=100,000 I'm getting RMS noise voltage 1. The performance will be worse, not just noise but the hf performance to. Thanks Paul . The TL082A and 82B are improved versions and virtually identical to the TL072A and 72B, though still not as good in a couple of specs. cz. But with double size. 9V. The output will be 1. 5 V to 40 V 2 Applications • Solar energy: string and central inverter • Motor drives: AC and servo drive Operační zesilovač TL082 vyniká v elektronických komponentách kvůli jeho duální konfiguraci vstupu JFET a všestrannosti v aplikacích. The LM833 is a great, cheap opamp, but it has bipolar input stages, resulting in higher currents flowing through the input pins. This makes it more apt for settings where noise reduction and high-frequency TL07x vs TL08x: 71 is low noise, and the 81 is low cost. In practice, most dual JFET input operational amplifiers will be acceptable. Mainly to have a single \$\begingroup\$ With either op-amp, you need to bias the input to be between the supplies, so if you are running single-supply, negative inputs are unusuable, and A/C coupled inputs need to be biased to a virtual ground. December 16, 2003, 02:32:02 PM. Search; User; Site; Search; User; E2E™ design support > Forums. Low noise and good battery life do work against each other. July 20, 2016, 04:55:41 PM. 4. Q: Can the TL072 be used for video applications? A: While the TL072 is primarily designed for audio TL082 de TI es Amplificador operacional doble de entrada JFET, entrada a V+, 30 V, 3 MHz y velocidad de subida de 1. TI E2E support forums. • LM393 acts as a dual voltage comparator, which renders it highly effective in comparison tasks. TI__Guru 63135 points Hello Zhou, This information is not included in the TL072 or TL082 product datasheets. 4558 August 08, 2008, 02:07:36 PM Last Edit : August 08, 2008, 02:09:46 PM by Wounded Paw I know this has been covered but I wanted to get fresh opinions on using different op-amps in non-overdriven uses. Post by Supports wide supply voltage: ±2. However, I also see you use 20kΩ resistors in the example and actual circuits seem to frequently use 100kΩ. The Differences Between NE5532 And TL072 In Applications The TL072 is around a half inch rectangle with 8 legs going into a socket. Jump to Latest K. If your circuit uses very high resistances, • Wide supply voltage: ±2. The TL082 really needs dual supplies to work properly. When exchanging against other, better opamps I would first try to stay with JFET Types, such as OPA2132, OPA2134, OPA 2604 etc. ti. The TL062 has a tiny current draw ( great for battery use ) but is Initial versions revealed lower noise levels for the TL072 compared to the TL082. Are there major differences between LM358 and LM1458/TL082 ? Could i use LM358 for learning about op-amps? Thanks . kubeek. In most pedals where a dual op amp is needed I feel the TL072 does a good or even great job though. member; Posts: 3; Logged; TL072 vs TL072CP. From circuitbending to homebrew stompboxes & synths, keep the DIY spirit alive! Moderators: Kent, luketeaford, Joe. Zhou. It was daft to use the TL082 in the first place. tl082, 72 work. Joined 2009 The TL082 series is by no means the best, but it still sounds damn good and deserves respect. And if we take the price into account, they are just great! They have 13V/uS slewrate Part Number: TL072 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TL082 What are difference of wafer of both items as below ? TL072CPWR TL082IPWR . 2 to 5nA TL071 = . I'm asking for actual experience in replacing TL071 and TL072 specifcally and sucessfully with something else. Parameter-, Bestell- und Qualitätsinformationen finden if this is a line powered unit, TL072,TL082, LF353, or any standard dual op amp will work. Where to use TL082 Op-Amp. But nowadays, they are the same. TL074, TL072, LM358, LM338 . First of all, considering input bias voltage, the What is the Difference Between TL072 and TL082? TL072 and TL082 are both dual integrated operational amplifiers, and they have differences in parameters and applications. Merchandise; 4. Bookmarks; 3. 1 TL072, TL072A, TL072B, TL074, TL074A, TL074B SLOS080M –SEPTEMBER 1978–REVISED JUNE 2015 TL07xx Low-Noise JFET-Input Operational Amplifiers V temperature coefficient. 6V: 3. I think I might swap out the 82 for 72 since I 1. At Mouser : LM324 0,179 € /100 LT1014 : 3,68 €/100 in PDIP version . 33 TL071 = . 00 or more each on op amps when these maligned op amps (TL072, NE5532) would bring a large improvement. 2005-07-01 6:11 pm Modern jelly bean replacements are the TL051/TL071/TL081 and TL052/TL072/TL082. However i have enough LM358 op-amps. Difficult to switch from LM324 to LT1014 if not necessary. It also compares the voltage like the other op-amp ICs do. El TL072 brilla en aplicaciones de audio de alta fidelidad, entregando las especificaciones ideales para tales esfuerzos. But I'll check out the datasheets of your suggestions to see if there is an electrical fit. The TL082 is a Dual Package Operational Amplifier, meaning it has two Op-Amps inside it and each Op-Amp can be used independently. Go Down Pages 1. Cancel; Up 0 True Down; Cancel; Those TL072, TL082 have JFET input stages. 5 MHz for the TL082. Find the one that meets your needs. http://www. It's part of the TL07x series known for its high input impedance, low noise, and wide bandwidth. TL082 tạo điều kiện cho vô số chức năng bao gồm khuếch đại, lọc và xử lý tín hiệu chính xác trong cả môi trường chuyên nghiệp và học thuật. There is everywhere used tl072 except one opamp, which is 4560. New Posts (Non-Market) TL072 is a Junction Field Effect Transistor abbreviated as JFET. These devices provide outstanding value for cost-sensitive applications, with features including low offset (1mV, typical), high slew rate (20V/μs), and The TL082 is high speed JFET input dual operational amplifier incorporating well-matched, high voltage JFET and bipolar transistors in a monolithic integrated circuit. We are looking to see if this data has been measured already and will reply back based on what we find. 4560? Thread starter kubeek; Start date 2006-07-13 10:29 am; Status Not open for further replies. So better on both voltage and current noise than TL072. voltage actually 20+/-. I've had the pleasure of having two entirely ungooped Centaurs provided to me by Bill Finnegan, along with a schematic, and can assure you that there is nothing in its design that would command fussy use of op-amps. Once upon a time, the TL072 was a lower-noise version of the TL082. The TL05x series has better precision. over 7 years ago. The TL082 also has a slightly higher supply current than the TL072. 2006-07-13 10:29 am #1 2006-07-13 10:29 am #1 I have a little problem in Fender´s Bassman 400. If it had 4558's, I doubt it rates spending $10. One of those chips is likely being used as an input buffer while the other is connected to the clipping Bộ khuếch đại hoạt động TL082 nổi bật trong các thành phần điện tử do cấu hình đầu vào JFET kép và tính linh hoạt trong các ứng dụng. 5 V to 40 V. The NE5532 also has 8 legs but is less than half the size. TL071, 18/nV and TL081, 25/nV Now, this 18 or 25 they are still at about the same level. The TL072 is a pretty well-behaved op-amp for most audio circuits (filters, gain control circuits, summers). 1. FUNCTOR. more; Awesome! Posts: 29,722; Location: Ottawa, Canada; Logged; TL071 vs. Tony. From the Data Sheet: ad712 Enhanced replacement for LF412 and TL082 zendrive ad712 or tl072 'yes' includes VCC+ • Low input bias and offset currents • Low noise: Vn = 18 nV/√Hz (typ) at f = 1 kHz • Output short-circuit protection • Low total harmonic distortion: 0. 6 mA JRC4558: Maybe a bit punchier -- nominal difference from the LM1458 TL072: Maybe a bit thin -- nominal difference from the LM1458 Lesson I learned: LM1458 op amps are the cheapest around, they work find in my amp -- put them in and forget them. Look at the datasheets and figure out which one, because this is a critical thing to understand about opamps. What is JRC4558 The JRC4558 is a dual operational amplifier integrated circuit (IC) manufactured by Japan The TL082 is a lower quality part and (sometimes) lower cost part than the TL072. Manufacturers tend to quote the TL 072 as a lower noise TL082 and a glance at the spec sheets suggest that they are otherwise the same chip. I already have a bunch of TL082 in stock and one of my projects requires a TL072. Moderator. Does the simple op amp/diode clipper benefit from a 741-type op amp rather than say half a 4558 or 5532 or TL072? Just wondering out loud Thanks! Jim Mark Hammer. kamdes. And without mentioning every op amp in existence, I'll close with I yet have to find a circuit where an NE5532 is the best possible option. 6 mA A = 25˚C 25 100 V/mV V O = ±10V, R L =2kΩ Over Temperature 15 V/mV V O Output Voltage Swing V S = ±15V, R L =10kΩ ±12 ±13. Two 9V The unused op amp in the dual should not be left unconnected with inputs floating or weird things might happen. The internal diagrams look the same, but not all values are given. 12. What is TL072. This difference makes the TL072 advantageous in high-frequency contexts, such as RF signal processing, where Decidir entre TL072 y TL082 requiere una conciencia de las necesidades específicas del proyecto. The TL072 was identical to the TL082 except that the TL072 had lower noise and the TL082 had lower offset voltage. The TL072 is a popular dual low-noise JFET-input operational amplifier (op-amp) manufactured by Texas Instruments. The audio pre-amplification means for getting output audio with low noise, interference, distortion and also used for controlling the volume, bass and treble. 3+0. Step into the world of audio alchemy, and the NE5532 is your potion master. Joined 2004. 2nV/√Hz). 4 MHz). Para las iniciativas centradas en la dureza operativa y tolerar desviaciones de rendimiento menores, el TL082 se considera una Hi, I have already a Doepfer A-180-3 Buffered Multiple, which works pretty good. so i need lower voltage? JMFahey. MC4558/RC4558/JRC4558: the classic tube The JFET-input operational amplifiers in the TL072 are similar to the TL082, with low input bias and offset currents and fast slew rate. Wide range for common-mode and differential voltage. TL072 an TL082 are very similar but TL072 is a little more low noise focused. You would be shocked to see what your audio signal goes through in a studio. The TL072 and TL082 are similar dual op-amps, but the TL082 has a higher slew rate (20 V/μs typical) and a higher gain-bandwidth product (4 MHz typical). Then the output swings high (when I would expect it to be low). Cancel; 0 Collin Wells over 7 years ago. 5 V to 40 V 2 Applications • Solar energy: string and central inverter • Motor drives: AC and servo drive tl071, tl071a, tl071b, tl072 tl072a, tl072b, tl074, tl074a, tl074b low-noise jfet-input operational amplifiers slos080j − september 1978 − revised march 2005 The TL082, TL082A and TL082B are high speed JFET input dual operational amplifiers incorporating well matched, high voltage JFET and bipolar transistors in a monolithic integrated circuit. All my own bass preamp designs are powered offboard, as is my Alembic Series 1. Sometimes an NE5532 is the best thing in the chain. includes VCC+ • Low input bias and offset currents • Low noise: Vn = 18 nV/√Hz (typ) at f = 1 kHz • Output short-circuit protection • Low total harmonic distortion: 0. Using a TL082 in place of a TL072 . wz. 6 = 3. 5mA Prices in 100 unit quantities TL082 = . Parameter-, Bestell- und Qualitätsinformationen finden LF353, TL072, B082 (TL082) and TL062 - Comparison of dual paralleled operational amplifiers for audio Tested at Vcc = +-15VTest with load 680 OhmGain = +101 TL072 vs. Logged Zero999. Yes, the only differences between the TL082 and TL082A are the electrical characteristics in section 6. 5v; so with a 5v supply, you only have a 0. TL072 (preferred for audio) and TL082 are good ol' classic op-amps, and like all the vintage - don't like low impedance loads and low supply voltages. Can I use the TL082 in its place without issues? Ahh, okay, you might notice more of a difference between op amps there. com/product/TL071#parametrics. The TL082 really isn't a good choice for the project, as it's common mode range is from -V + 3v to +V - 1. But, yes, you can use the LF412 in place of the TL072 as it behaves pretty much in the same way but with better offset specs than the TL072. Previous topic - Next topic. The low harmonic distortion n = 18 nV/√Hz Typ at f = 1 kHz and low noise make the TL07xseries ideally suited for • Common-Mode Input Voltage Range Includes V CC+ The JFET-input operational amplifiers in the TL072 are similar to the TL082, with low input bias and offset currents and fast slew rate. The devices feature high slew rates, low input TL072 vs. 5v input range - pretty small. Parameter-, Bestell- und Qualitätsinformationen finden The TL062 will directly replace a TL072 in an audio circuit, you don't change anything. The TL072 finds primary application in scenarios requiring high precision, especially in minimizing harmonic A: The TL072 and TL082 are both dual JFET-input op-amps, but the TL082 has a higher slew rate (13 V/μs vs. 20 TL072 in a circuit to $5 Burr-Browns will quickly highlight the problems with doing so. Wolframore. 272μV (40. 16 V/μs) and a slightly higher bandwidth (3 MHz vs. Scroll to continue with content. TL082 usnadňuje nesčetné množství funkcí včetně amplifikace, filtrování a přesného zpracování signálu v profesionálním i akademickém prostředí. They're in Dangerous Music gear. JRC4558 vs TL072: What are Differences AVAQ SEMI wrote 11/28/2023 at 09:37 • 0 likes • 2 min read • Like. Jeho nízké hladiny hluku a minimální zkreslení, cenné v zvukových a Or you could just run the TL072 off 5V and connect its output directly to the MCU's input. Its high slew rate and wide bandwidth make it a go-to choice for audio processing THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN NE5532 AND TL072 IN APPLICATIONS NE5532 Applications: • AV Receivers • Embedded PCs • Netbooks • Video Broadcasting and Infrastructure: Scalable Platforms • DVD There are several "higher quality" and also just different op amps than the TL072 that can be used more or less interchangeably. TL072 drop in substitutes? - Page 1. (CDP-CX50) with TL082's,figured it couldn't hurt. 200 pA). A dual operating amplifier is another name for it. tobb Super Deluxe Wiggler Posts: 1083 Joined: Sat Nov 26, 2011 10:41 am. JFET Singles: LF351 SO only from STM, . Furthermore, Huge range of Semiconductors, Capacitors, Resistors and IcS in stock. Quote from: amptramp on January 31, 2011, 12:06:54 PM I just checked my TI data book and there seems to be very little difference between the TL072 and TL082 series of amplifiers. Your posts in The Market; 5. This is where it's important to consider the circuit an amplifier is used in, rather than just comparing data sheet What is the difference between TL082 and TL 072? In earlier versions, the TL072 had lower noise compared to the TL082. TL071, TL081, TL072, TL082 are good for many audio applications. 3V-3V uSec vs 13V stated in a datasheet. using LM1458 and TL082. Don't let the price($2 + tax) or where it's sold deter you, this chip is worth every cent. 05 to 2nA Icc max TL082 = 2. A Free & Open Forum For Electronics Enthusiasts & Professionals The TL082 is a direct replacement. Upgrading every $0. 5V, which is well within the maximum rating of with input pins, with respect to V DD, which is 0. EEVblog Electronics Community Forum. The only reason I'm posting this as an answer instead of as a comment on his answer is that all of the other considerations in his answer are irrelevant at 5V. 2015-11-15 4:20 pm #7 2015-11-15 4:20 pm #7 it oscillate in my circuit. Like Reply. In my point of view, TL072/082/NE5532 are dual op-amps. Basically, when I put two DC voltages on the inputs of one of the op-amps, everything works as expected except for the case where the non-inverting input is taken below about 0. rkxhg ykljjr dlfy zclw seu ofdo rph itnz xokdyub xtbconse xuworq jdrdyp ybjxnvr igtix kdp