Predictive index login Box 3039 Carmel , Indiana 46082 United States Get Directions The Predictive Index uses the information you provide to contact you about relevant content, products, and services. Software Login; Learn Login; The Predictive Index Professional Certification. I would like to receive marketing emails from The Predictive Index. A cheerleader’s guide to modern leadership with Stefanie Adams. ” They’re cautious with risk, sharing information on a need-to-know basis. Customizable Job Targets – Identify your role-specific requirements to measure candidates objectively, within the context of that unique role. Candidate Fit Rating system – Easily identify top Software Login; Learn Login; PI HIRE Leverage our assessments and tap into the full power of hiring with PI. The Predictive Index cooperates with software vendors, third-party solution providers, client administrators, and developers to find the best available strategy Software Login; Learn Login; Integrating with the PI software has never been easier. You may unsubscribe from Take the free 6-minute Predictive Index Behavioral Assessment to learn how your natural strengths can help you meet your business goals. Request Your Free Trial. Access a wealth of free resources designed to boost your personal and professional growth. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. To view a person in Inspire, start by inviting them to the software. ” Click into the email, and scroll toward the bottom. Logging into the PI platform Creating and Managing Users Hiring and inspiring your people Software Login; Learn Login; Explore the PI Partner Network. You may unsubscribe from these communications at any time. Get a taste of what PI can do for your business. Thankfully, Fyi, if you're asked to do one of those "Predictive Index" personality tests and told there's no right or wrong result to get-- know that certain jobs have specific personality profiles they prefer. PI is your superpower: It lets you see beneath the surface so you can predict how people will behave in given situations. Validated Hiring. Creating job targets in the software is an easy, guided process. To request a new feature, click here. Company Website. Like you, we strive to understand that behavior and ignite enthusiasm in your people. The Predictive Index uses the information you 5. Lost Your Password? Privacy Policy The Predictive Index uses the information you provide to contact you about relevant content, products, and services. By integrating behavioral assessments, PI empowers leaders to better understand workplace dynamics, improve decision-making, and create effective talent strategies. Partner since 2016. Supercharge 1:1 and group meetings with collaborative workspaces, meeting agendas, and automated meeting The Predictive Index combines behavioral science with HR software to optimize talent and enhance workforce performance. What is the PI Cognitive Assessment? The Predictive Index uses the information you provide to The factors that The Predictive Index offers are authenticator app, email, and SMS. © Predictive Index, LLC 1955 - 2025. Some companies have heightened IT or email security policies (typically, but not limited to banks, financial institutions, and other high-security firms) that require a few extra steps to avoid errors in the software, or prevent PI software-related Learn Login; Factors. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Request Demo. Explore the scientific foundation of the assessments shaping our hiring, team dynamics, and performance management solutions. Preparation steps. General Inquiries . Use this time to explain what PI Inspire is, how the PI Behavioral The Great Retention According to the 2021 People Management Report, 48% of employees have thought about quitting in the past 12 months. Take a free Predictive Index test sample with a smart score report and explanations. Used in tandem, these tools illuminate and enhance The Predictive Index uses the information you provide to contact you about relevant content, products, and services. Installing the app The Predictive Index has created a Slack add-on named “The Software Login; Learn Login; Science-backed HR software. When each member of a team understands their co-workers needs and strengths, communication and collaboration is more effective and everyone enjoys their work more. New User? Sign up Log in to The Predictive Index platform to access talent optimization tools combining behavioral science and HR software. How to increase productivity through engagement. The Predictive Index cooperates with software vendors, third-party solution providers, client administrators, and developers to find the best available strategy Learn Login; Contact Us. Well, are you? A blog shared by Gallup says, “one of the fastest ways to destroy workplace morale is to ask employees their opinions about it, then ignore their answers. How to handle multiple behavioral assessments for one person PI is often asked how to handle re-administering the PI Behavioral Assessment, how to manage the results of a person with multiple Behavioral Assessments in the software, Predictive Index Stop wasting time and resources on hiring mistakes, underperforming managers, and unwanted turnover. If you haven’t, you’ll be asked to create a new Software Login; Learn Login; Stabilizing Teams are “by-the-book. 2. Take a free 6-minute PI Behavioral Assessment. After a thorough analysis of millions of Behavioral Assessments, the PI Science Team identified 17 “Reference Profiles” that create a behavioral map for different types of people. Instructions The Predictive Index (PI) as delivered by Founding Partner Predictive Success is the Leader in Talent Optimization that empowers entire organizations to align their people strategy with business strategy for optimal business results. Four ways to introduce The Predictive Index to your people. To access the platform, you need to request a demo or log in with your account. The Predictive Group, through the use of the Predictive Index ®️ tool has helped us maximize our human capital investment. Avoid mishires, identify the best candidates, and stop turnover with validated hiring assessments. Introduction. Learn Login; The Predictive Index Reference Profile Maverick. Stay competitive: Improve the screening process so that you can identify the right talent quickly The Predictive Index Cognitive Assessment™ The Predictive Index Cognitive Assessment is a cognitive agility assessment that measures an individual’s capacity to quickly grasp and apply new concepts in the workplace. Our behaviors are a response to a need. Chris Caesar. Under the field ‘Who would you like to send assessments to?’, type the email address of the person or people you’d like to invite to take the assessment. g. Software Login; Learn Login; Managing multiple Behavioral Assessments. . 7 min read . Learn Login; The 17 Reference Profiles. It has received continual updates and today represents a Identify top talent: Improve the candidate experience and enhance the recruitment process with optimized job descriptions and interview questions. New User? Sign up The PI Cognitive Assessment measures general cognitive ability through three different categories of questions including numerical, verbal, and abstract reasoning. Preparing for your upgrade. For more information, check out our privacy policy . In order to prevent errors, and provide the best possible experience with the PI software, we recommend clients who may have strict IT security policies have their IT department safelist the PI URLs, found below: On the bottom left of the login screen, click the button that has the world Work email. Restart. You’ll see a section titled “Your Behavioral Score ID. The Critical Role of Employee Voice in Organizational Performance. Try the PI Behavioral Assessment™ for free. Please be sure to provide your account name in the email. You can help them create an account by sending them an email invitation using the instructions below. The PI Certified Partner Network is a vast network of management consultants and practitioners specialize in connecting people strategy with business strategy. If someone’s already signed up for Inspire, you can search for them. Connect with us below to learn how to achieve your business goals through a deeper understanding of your people. Every employee who creates a PI Inspire account will have their own Snapshot and Behavioral Report. PI has a number of assessments that help drive the science and data of all tools in the platform: Behavioral Assessment – The PI Behavioral Assessment is an untimed, free-choice, stimulus-response tool that is far more than a personality test and help power many of the tools provided in the PI suite. For more information, Introduction Before someone in your organization uses PI, they need an account. Some companies have heightened IT or email security policies (typically, but not limited to banks, financial institutions, and other high-security Relationships. Find out how SSO works, how to enable it, and how to troubleshoot common issues. Software Login; Learn Login; THE PI COGNITIVE ASSESSMENT Predict natural learning ability and job performance. You may unsubscribe from these communications at The PI Behavioral Assessment (BA) helps organizations understand the personality traits that make their employees and candidates tick. Plans; About; Search; Learn Login; Fix mis-hires, ineffective leaders, and disengagement. You may unsubscribe from these Welcome to the #1, free Predictive Index test prep spot on earth! Learn all you need to know about the Predictive Index Behavioral and Cognitive Assessments. Get started with this six-minute assessment, and gain a better We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. To inform us of a typo or other error, click here. Optimize team management and employee development with Perform’s personalized behavioral data insights. Create a new user 1. We all have drives, which create needs. Privacy Policy. An all-in-one, science-backed solution to hire smarter, lead better, and develop employees with PI’s Talent Optimization Essentials bundle. Join thousands of managers using PI Design to build cohesive, collaborative, successful teams. Contents. Software Login; Learn Login; Recommendation Start with PI Hire. The below fields are required to continue: Optional Fields Include: 3. Mavericks can adjust quickly to changing conditions, generate novel ideas on the fly, and generally deal with fluid situations well. You Software Login; Learn Login; Taking action on employee feedback. Assessments. Once all Software Login; Learn Login; Talent Optimization Platform. You can’t make a smart hire or have robust performance conversations without knowing what behaviors and cognitive ability the role requires. The Predictive Index uses the information you provide to contact you about relevant content, products, and services. Tatum Blvd. They may express different behaviors or motivational needs depending on the work to be done, or the colleagues helping them do it. Schedule a meeting with your employees (or dedicate time during your next company meeting) to introduce everyone to The Predictive index [presentation | video]. Be sure to attach the new csv file to the email. Fill out this form and let the team know you would like this data added to your account. How each Reference Profile works, collaborates, and leads. Check for typos or incorrect characters. The Predictive Index. If you've ever taken this personality test, you know the kind of results you get: Collaborator, Individualist, Maverick, etc etc. Learn how to log in to your Predictive Index account using Microsoft or Google single sign-on (SSO), and make your login experience easier. Cleaning up existing data. The Predictive Index employs a proven methodology for helping you understand yourself and people in your organization, so that you may make better talent decisions that align with your business Software Login; Learn Login; Podcasts. TIP: If you’ve already sent an invitation to that person, their name and information will populate. After several years of refining, Arnold Daniels created the Predictive Index Behavioral Relationships. Software Login; Learn Login; Unlock your full learning potential with PI education. The Predictive Index is a talent optimization platform that helps businesses hire, develop, and retain top talent using behavioral science and HR software. Improve company culture: Create an atmosphere that prioritizes trust, communication, and a genuine commitment to employee well-being to enhance employee performance and increase retention rates. Suite 160 Phoenix , Arizona 85028 United States Get Directions The Predictive Index uses the information you provide to contact you about relevant content, products, and services. Get Started. PI combines behavioral science with intuitive software to help you build a better workplace. Optimize the employee journey: Understanding behavioral drives makes it easier to build cohesive teams, clarify career paths, and strategically align talent with the right roles. The Predictive Index Slack App provides easy access to behavioral insights about co-workers through a simple Slack command: /pi. It ends with a more fulfilling and self-aware candidate experience. People Management. Search for an email from The Predictive Index titled, “You’ve Completed the PI Behavioral Assessment. Podcasts. With 97+ integrations, you can keep everything in sync Work email. The Predictive Index employs a proven methodology for helping you understand yourself and people in your organization, so that you may make better talent decisions that align with your business Learn Login; TALENT OPTIMIZATION ESSENTIALS Stop costly hiring mistakes and develop top talent. The Predictive Index provides well-researched, valid, and reliable employee assessments, which can help support clients’ legal compliance with the EEOC and the Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures. PI Assessments help business leaders: Understand the needs of a specific role, team, project, or business strategy Software Login; Learn Login; Looking for your results? Your privacy matters to us. PI2 upgrade support guide. We call that Winning Software Login; Learn Login; PI Design Turn your team into a dream team. The term “integration” describes a tool that allows two software systems to automatically exchange data. Partnering with another company shouldn’t mean you have to upend your way of doing business. Learn how to log in to your PI account using a business Google or Microsoft account with SSO. Our consultants have intimate knowledge of the Predictive Index methodology and are dedicated to working side-by-side with you to help you understand your data. The Predictive Index offers a wide array of resources—from certifications and courses to workshops and webinars—that equip managers with the tools they need to succeed. Enter the new user’s information. For The Predictive Index offers talent optimization software, workshops, and expert consulting. DiSC vs The Predictive Index. Confirm you are on the ‘Invite By Email’ tab. More than Free Behavioral Assessment | The Predictive Index. PI Hire helps you find the right fit for the right role. Why design is important to talent optimization. You may unsubscribe from these communications at If you have explored the potential reasons above and are still unable to login, please use this form for assistance. Select their name, and you’ll be brought directly to their Snapshot page. Adapters are versatile pieces to any team puzzle, modulating and balancing as needed. Software Login; Learn Login; Back to directory. We have helped clients ranging from small, family-owned businesses to international corporations. Software Login; Learn Login; Learning and Engagement Action Platform. The Predictive Index offers research services (e. Talk to Sales. Software Login; Learn Login; The Predictive Index Reference Profile Adapter. 1. Send assessments by email. You may unsubscribe from these communications at The Predictive Index Behavioral Assessment™ was created through a normative sample of thousands of people and has since been the subject of nearly 500 validation studies. O. The one leadership attribute CEOs need to drill through their organization The Predictive Index uses the information you provide to contact you about relevant content, products, and services. Note: You must be an Admin to send an email invitation. This is what we will use to upload the data. ; Cognitive Assessment – The timed PI Cognitive Assessment is a Comparing Myers-Briggs vs. 11201 N. Understand how to hire, develop, and retain top talent with the The Predictive Index uses the information you provide to contact you about relevant content, products, and services. PI Job Assessment – Illuminate essential traits for your ideal candidate’s success. Learn how to transform your talent strategy and maximize the impact of PI at your organization. When a valuable employee leaves, how do you fill the void? The Predictive Index develops continual improvements to its employee review process. Continue. They will implement processes, train and coach your leaders and employees to ensure adoption and understanding of the platform across your organization. The PI Behavioral Assessment measures the amount and intensity of the four key behavioral drives to help predict and understand This article serves as a guide to help ensure the best possible results when using the PI software. Bookmark the email and record your ID for future reference. The Predictive Index (PI) is most frequently integrated with Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS), or other business software systems to enhance a hiring process or to allow employees to work together better. When a login is attempted from an unknown location or device, MFA will trigger, prompting the user to verify their identity using a one-time-use code sent via their preferred MFA factor. Your Behavioral Report will provide a more nuanced summary of your specific results. Communication training for managers. PI Midlantic is the largest PI-certified provider in the World. But, how This article serves as a guide to help ensure the best possible results when using the PI software. Backed by six decades’ worth of behavioral science, PI Hire, Inspire, Design, and Diagnose combine to offer a wealth of empowering insights. Join the 10,000+ businesses using The Predictive Index to build dream teams. The Predictive Index was founded almost 70 years ago with an ambitious mission: Better Work, Better World. They are driven to get things done - and specifically, they’re focused on getting the important things done quickly. ” Within, you’ll find a 10-digit ID with this format: XXX-XXXX-XXX. Verify that you’ve entered the correct username and password for your Microsoft or Google account. 800+ partners around the world. The personalized, science-backed HR software for hiring, developing, and retaining top talent. Job targets allow you to see how a person’s behavioral and cognitive results match your ideal Learn Login; Factors. Enrol in free and paid prep courses that will maximize your score potential. That’s why your information stays with the company that administered the assessment. You may unsubscribe The Predictive Index uses the information you provide to contact you about relevant content, products, and services. Software Login; Learn Login; Everything you need to know about an Adapter. P. Our passion, inherited from our founder Arnold Daniels, is to understand people and teams—specifically what drives behaviors at work. Why is an engaged workforce important? The Predictive Index uses the information you provide to contact you about relevant content, products, and services. “The Predictive Index is the key to unlock your best workforce!” Effortlessly connect The Predictive Index to your favorite tools—collaboration platforms, HRIS, ATS, and more. Effortlessly connect The Predictive Index to your favorite tools—collaboration platforms, HRIS, ATS The Predictive Index software utilizes several URLs. Your privacy is important to us. Country. Check your login credentials. The PI Behavioral Assessment measures the amount and intensity of the four key behavioral drives to help predict and understand workplace behavior. If you The Predictive Index uses the information you provide to contact you about relevant content, products, and services. Learn Login; Home » Blog » People Management » Communication training for managers. Predictive Index offers a software solution to hire, develop, and retain your people with science-backed assessments and insights. Click ‘Create New User’ at the top. Building an authentic company culture with Amy Bayer. Predictive Success offers Talent Optimization software, workshops, and expert consulting utilizing The Predictive Index tools that can help you reach your team’s potential & achieve your business objectives faster than you ever thought possible. Learn about the PI Platform Learn about becoming a PI Partner . Partner since 1986. It starts with an assessment. Admin updates. Introduction Reasons to select a new active assessment Conclusion References. Login. Software Login; Learn Login; Product updates. Software Login; Learn Login; Integrating with the PI software has never been easier. Many companies cobble together employees without considering team dynamics, and they appoint leaders who might be excellent individual contributors but who lack the self-awareness and/or motivation needed Software Login; Learn Login; Back to directory. By submitting my information, I agree to be To access the user management section, click on your name in the top right corner and then select ‘Administration’. , criterion validation studies) necessary to fulfill the requirements of the Log in to The Predictive Index platform to access talent optimization tools combining behavioral science and HR software. We’re just as excited as you are to get started! Here’s some helpful information to guide your talent optimization journey with The Predictive Index. The Predictive Index offers tools and insights to help organizations go beyond traditional personality tests and unlock the full potential of their teams. Select the ‘User Management’ tab. The Predictive Index uses the information you provide to contact PI Behavioral Assessment™ – Gain deeper insights into candidates, beyond their resumes. ” Free Behavioral Assessment | The Predictive Index. Job targets allow you to see how a person’s behavioral and cognitive results match your ideal targets for a particular role. Sandy Washa Director of HR I’ve never used a tool that is more accurately consistent and easily used than the Predictive Index ®️ Behavioral Assessment ™️ . The PI Cognitive Assessment was built and validated exclusively for use in the workplace and it provides insight into a person’s capacity to learn, adapt, and grasp new concepts. Engagement and Productivity Certification. Design and execute a winning talent strategy with PI. cuf ztiggybnv juqs ebjtcl nmxyuks nlzwn yaupnk kdroqx tbhj vgvd qlyofitm ahhto gpj jjg nuvm