Nyc doe approved vendors list Get Paid Faster via Direct Deposit. • Please note that street addresses are required for the vendor’s physical location listed in the 1099 Address and Account Administrator Address sections of the W-9. Items in school vending machines must follow the NYC DOE’s Wellness Policy. Only vendors that have an MTAC contract can participate in the MTAC process. 1. Vendor Communication Subscribe to ACCES-VR Vendor Email Updates Interpreter Service Substance Use Disorder Vocational Rehabilitation Readiness Assessment Form Aware Vendor Portal Training Aware Vendor Portal Login Aware - Vendor Portal Training (August 2024) Aware - Technology Update (June 2024) Aware - Pre-ETS Potentially Eligible Vendor Portal The New York City Department of Education (DOE) issues Related Services Authorizations (RSAs) to parent whose children are mandated to receive related services on the Individualized Education Program (IEP) when the DOE cannot identify a DOE or contract agency provider. Privacy Policy. Recorded on: Tuesday, December 6, 2016. Vendors who have questions or issues regarding online enrollment should contact the Vendor Enrollment Center at (212) 857-1680 or via email at [email protected]. ” The assessment should factor in DOE’s purchasing power as one of the nation’s largest customers. PLEASE NOTE: The third parties listed below do not Below is information about the Division of Contracts and Purchasing (DCP), the policies we operate under as well as the process to request a negotiated services for non-routine This is an evolving list of currently known DOE vendors that provide items related to furnishing and/or equipping an outdoor classroom/school garden and represents information shared with GrowNYC from NYC We are the current discounted supplier for the NYC DOE, for school supplies, art supplies, furniture, science, some instructional materials and carpets. ) developed an approach, based on an analysis of Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data, to calculate market rates for independently contracted special education teachers in the New York City area. F. Other items not listed as “Disposable Units Eligible for All vendors doing business with the state must establish proof of vendor compliance by subscribing to Hawaii Compliance Express (HCE). Information on vendor contracts with the City of New York can be found on this site Browse Contracts. Type of Entity: Commercial Enterprise Contract / Agreement Term: The Agreement covers multiple products, services and/or DOE schools and offices, and so Start and End Dates vary by product, service, and DOE schools and/or offices. The Doing Business Portal provides access to information on many vendors and lobbyists not previously available online. 11 Columbia Circle Drive Albany, NY 12203 Agency reviews the List of Preferred Source Service Offerings to determine if the service is approved on List D. Vendor Management. If you have any questions, please contact Vendor Hotline via email: VendorHotline@schools. • Signatory: Has full access to Vendor Enrollment functionalities and is the only role that can sign the Vendor Enrollment PackageThis role is . Non-public schools use Education Law Sections 5002(4)(e) and 5002(6)(c) and Sections 126. State Budget. Completed - Approved-vendor completed compliance process. Access all your DOE applications – TeachHub, Google, iLearnNYC, Microsoft Office, Zoom, and more–from one place. Explore our Beta Directory full of experienced NYC Schools DOE vendors with this Spring 2025 Release Edition featuring 100% certified MWBE (Minority and Women-Owned) Businesses that are trusted by NYC DOE schools an Listings and promotions on this site do not imply endorsement, approval, or recommendation of any vendor, product, or service Ability OT, PT and SLP Therapy. PLEASE NOTE: The third parties listed below do not comprise a comprehensive list of “approved DOE vendors” and should not be thought of as Below is general information for schools, and for vendors looking to do business with us. and shall in no way shall be deemed or interpreted as an endorsement of those items by the DOE . M. Page for transportation vendors. The link to the virtual Pre-Bid Conference scheduled is here. Specifically, this document sets forth: • The NYC DOE’s rules regarding restrictions on: o Gifts offered by Erate Vendors to NYC DOE employees individually- or collectively, for their personal benefit rather than for the benefit of NYC DOE as a Under FERPA and New York State Education Law §2-d, NYC DOE may disclose student information without consent to authorized third parties who have entered into written agreements with us and meet certain requirements. gov Attendees FAQ NYS Vendor Identification Number (if known for Statewide Financial System – SFS) Business Status (note if your firm is a NYS certified MBE, WBE, federally certified DBE, or a NYS resident small business concern - a small business concern is defined as a business that is resident in New York, employs 100 or less, is independently owned and CUSTODIAL CIRCULAR NO. Full Concessions Listing. This list provides the contract number, bid number, awarded vendor, start and end dates, and the total estimated value of the contract. Billing and Invoicing and vendor code in your communication . comServices Inc Schools receive culinary support from the Garden to Café coordinator as they plan for harvest events. The arts vendor can have individual projects within the school but the projects total cannot exceed $25,000 (for non-contracted vendors). You'll need to submit a W9 and likely a certificate of good standing/proof of licensure from NY Department of State (WITH THE SEAL). Skip to Main Content Skip to Main Navigation Access all your DOE applications – TeachHub, Google, iLearnNYC, Microsoft Office, Zoom, and more–from one place. Bid Opening Date and Time: April 10, 2025, 11:00 A. Find contact information for these firms, and learn about their expertise, experience, and more. gov Web Address: www. You should then Effective July 1, 2023 all vendors of third-party software will be required to complete DOE’s compliance process and OTI’s Cloud Review Process before conducting business with the DOE. 4(c)(12), and 126. To secure internal DOE and PEP approval, the DOE prepares a document summarizing the contract called a Request for Authorization (RA). Learn about certification This link will take you to the Payee Information Portal (PIP) which has resources, including a video tutorial of how to become a new vendor. 11-08 30th Avenue Long Island City, NY 11102 718-932-1500 RCA@RCAtrans. Please contact your school’s principal if you would like to know which vendor (s) or organization (s) your school uses or partners with. We are a part of Shop DoE! All reimaginED teacher resources, LIVE and On-Demand professional development, and Coaching Services to support math teaching and learning are now available for on NYC Shop DoE. After $25,000, vendors will need an MTAC (Multiple Task Award Contract) contract to partner with schools. Vendors no longer can enroll in commodities for NYC solicitations through the Payee Information Portal (PIP), although they may still manage their payments through PIP. Schools should consider working with contracted vendors and MWBE vendors wherever possible. View the Approved Pushcart Vendor Price List. It does not, however, include every entity that may have business with the City of New York. Email DIIT's School Partnership Program:DIITSPP@schools. As part of the NYC Solves initiative, all high schools will use Illustrative Mathematics and districts will choose a comprehensive, evidence-based curricula for middle school math instruction from an approved list. Get more information on licenses, waiting lists and mobile food vending requirements. Open MTAC Solicitations ; For an overview of the MTAC process, please contact ISPSupport@schools. Transportation. To apply to our bidder's list please visit the Vendor Portal. School events, prom planning, and culturally-environmentally aware education. The Supply Management Department oversees all procurement activities, including NYCHA’s Skilled Trades Pre-Qualified Lists (PQLs). The Doing Business Database provides access to information on those vendors and lobbyists that do business with the City of New York. The session slides are available as a downloadable resource from this link. Elisheba Lewi (DOE) can utilize to procure goods and services from Minority or Women-Owned Business Enterprise (M/WBE) vendors. Qualified Pipe Welders – Welders performing pipe welding for gas (as required by section FGC 406. gov; aong3@schools. Approved agencies for Qualifying Pipe Welders qualify pipe welders for gas pipe welding as required by section FGC 406. Review Invoices, Purchase Orders and Payments. A list of recent citywide contracts awarded in the preceding 30 days is refreshed weekly on Fridays and is available for review. MTAC for Vendors. To apply to become a qualified provider of security services for the Non-Public School Security Reimbursement program, eligible security guard vendors must: Vendors must follow the instructions in the email to remain on the Bidders List. View the list of Approved Agencies for Qualifying Pipe Welders. Previously Approved Construction Vendors; Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Businesses; Procurement. A curriculum is how standards, or learning goals, for every grade and subject are translated into day-to-day activities. nyc. Vendors that have such a contract can login to the Vendor Portal and click the "MTAC" link to learn more. Food; 80-98 Linden Blvd, Howard Beach, NY 11414: Tudor Park: 10/31/2025: Alley Pond Tennis Center: Tennis Facility: 79-20 Winchester Boulevard: Alley Pond Park: 10/10/2042: Central If the NYC DOE IRB is the IRB of Record, it will conduct a full human subjects research ethics review of a study. NYC Department of Education . Veterans. By having your company added to the Vendors List, you will receive notification of upcoming contracting opportunities in your field(s) of expertise as they become available. Specifically, this document sets forth: • The NYC DOE’s rules regarding restrictions on: o Gifts offered by Erate Vendors to NYC DOE employees individually- or collectively, for their personal benefit rather than for the benefit of NYC DOE as a Preliminary Review - Gathering details or pending additional information to proceed Initiated - Vendor received the compliance package In Progress - Progressing but not yet completed. To contact Vendor Management, please email [email protected]. The agency strives to give all businesses, including Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprises (MWBEs), an equal opportunity to compete for DOE procurements. This report proposes implementing A list of M/WBE and NYS food vendors will help broaden the vendor pool and provide a starting point for more tailored outreach. If the Vendor Company is • Receive an email when the registration has been approved by the VTS administrator. NYC Sales Representatives. , on Microsoft Teams Live. Pension & Retirement. Update. This method allows the DOE to leverage the certification of NYC-certified M/WBE vendors and offers a streamlined . S. This will Click the below link to see a list of firms that are currently disqualified, suspended, rejected, and/or otherwise ineligible to receive new or future work on SCA projects as prime contractors, subcontractors, consultants, subconsultants, members of Non-contracted arts vendors have an overall cap of $25,000 they can do with a given school. Sussman Education Ron and Steve Sussman 800. - Student Independent Market Analysis: In October 2023, the American Institutes for Research (A. Procurement Process Resources. For middle schools, low- Listing Application Educational Software - Diarmuid $479,873 $1,439,619 3 Years 15 Listing Application FEV Tutor Software Programs $71,393 $214,179 3 Years 16 Listing Application William H. Compensation to the DOE from vending machines in school staff areas must be allocated to General School Funds. Share This: It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. 7. I. Department of Veterans Affairs (such as an original statement of service OR original or member 4 copy of the DD Form 214, Discharge Papers, or Separation Documents) Access all your DOE applications – TeachHub, Google, iLearnNYC, Microsoft Office, Zoom, and more–from one place. For the definition of a school bus, see section 4-01(b); For specific bus lane restrictions, see section 4-12(m); We share this information so that your drivers have every option to reduce traffic delays and ride duration The New York City Department of Education (DOE) has contracts with vendors to purchase the goods and services necessary to ensure that students receive the quality education they deserve. The FAMIS (Financial Accounting Management Information System) Portal is the DOE’s web-based purchasing application that allows users to make purchases from DOE-contracted vendors. NYC DOE - Office of District Planning A LearnDOE Site. mandatory. comBronx NY 10455 Micheal Garcia 718‐292‐3014 Ext: 119 Admiral Security dave@admiralss. Transportation Information. Need technical support? Visit the SupportHub for answers to common questions and to open a support ticket. New vendors may now select and enroll in commodities using PASSPort. The three vendors demonstrated strong organizational capacity and provided sequential NYC Literacy Collaborative, the Division of Curriculum and Instruction, and OPE Operations. We partner with Grow to Learn NYC to identify possible Farm to School schools. Sadlier software programs $303,692 $911,076 3 Years 17 Discretionary, Grant, or Other Required Method FY23 City Council Grant - PowerMyLearning, Inc. Pre-Bid Conference: March 11, 2025, 11:00 A. About Us; Blog; Contact Us; My Account; Most of Continental’s products are NYSTL-approved and can be purchased through FAMIS NYC DOE. Terms of Use. Enrollment functionalities except signing the Vendor Enrollment Package. HOME; CHECK MY EQUIPMENT; I NEED SUPPORT; Return to Content. 4. Bring a copy of your permanent New York State Education Department certification. Resources for schools to consider in selecting vendors include: Schools can reach out to their In an ongoing effort to assist schools who wish to avail themselves of these processes, BPSS is issuing this list of the nationally recognized vendors that BPSS currently finds to satisfy the Access all your DOE applications – TeachHub, Google, iLearnNYC, Microsoft Office, Zoom, and more–from one place. Ray L. the estimated amounts provided on the RAs are based on prior years of purchasing and anticipated volume for new vendors. School Kitchen Dashboard Get the inside scoop on meal service at your school, from programs available like halal meals to infrastructure details like school gardens and cafeteria Chris Schuster and Isabel Gram discuss the three-step process for becoming an approved vendor in New York City, emphasizing the importance of a comprehensive privacy To do business with the City of New York, organizations need to create a vendor account in the City’s Payee Information Portal (PIP) (to get paid) and also in Procurement and Sourcing Solutions Portal (PASSPort) (for all other contracting actions, including completing vendor disclosures, finding and responding to contracting opportunities To complete the fingerprinting process, visit DOE Human Resources at 65 Court Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201. If you have questions regarding the status of services provided directly by NYCDOE pursuant to Impartial Out of Town Travel Approver Details You will enter your approver ïs email address, without the @schools. Proposals are listed below from most recent to oldest. Find menus, nutritional information, allergen facts, 504 accommodations, how to start an afterschool or weekend meal program to securing our vending services. Post Office boxes are not acceptable for these sections. The SCA actively encourages firms to submit an Online Prequalification Application. You will enter an email address in the îCopy To section (person will receive a copy of this request). Pension Fund Investment. Vacancies. The links below will assist vendors in navigating the NYS procurement process. Procurement; Contracts; GOVBUY; Pharmaceutical Prime Vendor Contract Cardinal Health 110 (LLC) (Statewide) (Statewide) Recent Citywide Contract Awards. NYC public schools with active school gardens or gardening programs are eligible to participate. com Owner: Mrs. 2025 All Rights Reserved, NYC is a trademark and service mark of the City of New York. /Pkg. If your organization does not have a PIP Account, please refer to the PIP Activation - An original letter issued by DCWP indicating that the applicant is eligible to submit a General Vendor License Application - A proof of honorable discharge issued by the U. " In regulations, a nationally recognized vendor is defined as " an independent, The SCA awards contracts to firms that are prequalified, with the exception of vendor contracts valued under $10,000. Brooklyn, NY 11201 • Approved by the Panel for Educational Policy on January 27, 2010 • Amendments Approved by the Panel for Educational Policy on December 21, 2012, February 24, 2016, January 29, 2020November 30, 2022, and , October 18, 2023 DEP Accepted Equipment List Filter by Manufacturer Sign in using your DOE credentials to access ed tech professional learning opportunities, as well as other school tech information. All fresh fruit and vegetables are acceptable. 32. DOE Provided Services . Working with DOE is not for the faint of heart. and cannot contain artificial flavors or colors. Register to become a vendor. • Inclusion in this vendor guide does not guarantee that vendors will be awarded contracts from LEAs or TEA. Home Top Navigation. Competitive Sealed Bid (CSB) Awards. 350. Nonpublic schools use FAMIS to place orders for textbooks, library books, and computer hardware and software with funds received from the New York State Loan Program. The page also provides an avenue for prime bidders to find and work with MWBE subcontractors. Calories < 200 NYC Department of Education, serving 1. teachers and school staff must be acquired through the central DOE vending machine contract,* if the said central DOE contract provides exclusive vending machi ne rights to a central vending machine operational contractor. City of New York. 6. 65 Court Street . See what's new in student transportation for this school year. The Division of Contracts and NYCEDC uses its Vendors List to notify companies of potential contracting opportunities in various fields and trades. Similarly, inclusion on this list does not guarantee that a district can self-select a vendor included on this list. 1 million students in over 1,800 schools. Vendor # CON210000. Vendor #: As an approved vendor for the New York City Department of Education, Booksource offers: Booksource NYC DOE Vendor Information Vendor: Boo028000; Trade Book Contract - Single Titles: B2171BA; Trade Book Contract - Collections: B2171BC; Home; Products & Services; The Department of Education (DOE) is required by federal and state law to appropriately recycle computer equipment; disposal and recycling may only be performed by authorized Service Providers. We recommend that proposers download the free Microsoft Teams Application on their computer and/or mobile device to participate in the The ACES Guide features only NYCDOE-registered vendors and highlights organizations who have secured citywide NYCDOE contracts for Arts Education Services. NYC Health + Hospitals does not maintain a bidders list. Department of Energy (DOE) Qualified List of Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) in accordance with the Energy Policy Act of 1992, as amended, and 10 C. 25. DOE’s Division of Contracts and Purchasing should assess current methods for determining whether the prices of the food products vendors market to DOE, including existing and prospective “approved brands” are “fair and reasonable. procurement process for goods and services up to $1,500,000per scope of work. R. You can fill out a W9 here. (This Report does not impact existing Approved Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE) Sponsors . ny. MTAC Abstracts and Contract Descriptions File Your Vendor Responsibility Questionnaire. Need technical support? Visit the SupportHub for answers to common questions and to Bid Due Date and Time: April 9, 2025, 4:00 P. 1(y), 126. The Department of Education's Division of School Facilities declares the following assignments vacant and will now accept application for voluntary transfer for the positions of Custodian Engineer level I and Custodian The Office of the State Comptroller and the New York State Education Department provide procurement resources for school districts. This portfolio is refreshed every 30 days. Non-DOE users - Click below to create an account. 007. Register with the Procurement and Sourcing Solutions Portal PASSPort. Such third parties must agree to comply with federal, state, and local laws, as FAMIS Portal. NYC Schools Account (NYCSA) View your child’s academic progress, update your contact information, and more. In addition, school districts are eligible to use certain OGS Procurement Services centralized The NYC Department of Education, Office of HR School Support, is a NY State Approved provider of the following workshops: Child Abuse Identification Workshop** School Violence Prevention and Intervention Workshop; Dignity for All Student Act (DASA) Workshop; Autism Workshop; These virtual workshops are available for purchase on our Workshops Students. A listing of the general categories of goods and services such as communications equipment, motorized equipment, office equipment, safety and security services, and 1. Vendors are encouraged to explore the page to learn more about the MWBE Subcontracting initiative at New York City Public Schools. Phase I -Vendors supporting software for NYS SIRS reporting will be expected to: Register their Company and Primary Company Contact(s) Check “Existing VTS Vendor List” dropdown for your Vendor Company name 2. Holders of professional classroom teaching certificates, educational leadership certificates, and Level III teaching assistant certificates who practice in a NYS School District or BOCES, must complete 100 clock hours of acceptable CTLE during their registration period. This role is mandatory. Technical procurement assistance About the Curricula. All providers must be cleared by the DOE before seeing any students. If you need further assistance, please contact the Vendor Hotline at 718-935-2300 or by emailing them at vendorhotline@schools. MOCS recommends every organization has at least two contacts withthe Vendor Admin role. 3) a) Agency notifies the preferred source(s) of Transportation Updates. In accordance with Chancellor’s Regulation A-801 (see below for regulation with translations) , the DOE provides transportation to all eligible New York City students in public, charter, and non-public schools. The DOE Qualified List of ESCOs is composed of about 120 firms that have submitted applications and have been approved by the DOE View our price list and state approved classroom materials that we have to offer. NOTE: All Circulars are to be kept in a permanent file. Prequalified firms are firms that have submitted a complete online prequalification application and been approved to do business with the SCA. gov; Approved VEndor. Register as a Vendor with the NYC DOE Once your application is processed, you will receive a vendor ID for the vendor portal. Their findings can be found in this report. SupportHub. 7180 NYCHA Skilled Trades Pre-Qualified Lists (PQLs). 1) and high For Security Vendors. The position reached for these waiting lists will be updated regularly. Describe briefly the project/evaluation/research you are conducting or participating in, and/or the commercial A list of NYC DOE E -rate Vendors appears at the end of this document. Security guard companies seeking to be considered for inclusion on the qualified provider list must meet the requirements listed in the rules of the program. Leave this The evaluation committee recommended that, in the best interest of the DOE, to award one class per vendor. NYS Procurement Rules and Guidelines; NYS Office of General Services Resources; ITS Supplier Diversity Program (EEO and MWBE) ITS Supplier Diversity Email: Orders. Applying for Farm to School. gov. org Vendor ID#1100162226 ; NEW YORK STATE INDUSTRIES FOR THE DISABLED, INC. Count=82 Non‐public School Security Guard Reimbursement Program Qualified Provider List January 24,2025 Vendor Name Vendor Address Vendor Contact Name Contact Phone Contact Email A&H Security Services, LLC 611 Jackson Avenue, Mgarcia@AandHsecurity. NYC Budget. DCP - Covered under Enterprise Agreement or Contract - refer to DCP Other - A catch-all that is used by IT Governance for The New York City Department of Education posts Request for Bid (RFB), Request for Proposals (RFP) and Multiple Task Award Contract (MTAC) solicitations on this website. Failure to respond will result in removal from the Bidders List. The Mosaic Planner builds lasting memories for New York City schools and communities, one event at a time. The Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) established the U. What is a Skilled Trades Pre-Qualified List? A Skilled Trades Pre-Qualified List (PQL) is a tool that NYCHA will use to qualify vendors and contract goods or services for its developments, The Online Directory of NYC Certified Businesses is a searchable list of M/WBE, LBE, and EBE businesses certified by the City of New York. Public Corruption. All NYC Health + Hospitals Requests For Proposals are published on City Record Online. Manufacturer Product Name Package Size Serv. List of 3-5 past projects in NYC. Mobile food vendor license holders will be notified when new waiting list opportunities become available. Program teams from TEA will work with awarded LEAs to match them with an approved vendor, when applicable. This is to ensure all vendors safeguard any and all protected information pursuant to FERPA , New York State Education Law 2-d and Chancellor’s Regulation Students can sell any “approved” food items (included in the NYC DOE’s list) at any time during the day as long as the sale of the approved items occurs outside of the school cafeteria. Enter Name, Type, Borough, ZIP Code, or Park. Corcraft@doccs. Search Concessions. All vendors have an obligation, as per the NYC DOE’s agreement with the US DOE’s Office of Civil Rights, to provide products, information, and resources–even print ShopDOE is a purchasing planning portal that allows users (including non-public schools) to browse a catalog of products and services offered by DOE contracted vendors. NYC Bus Lane Use. Sometimes the NYC DOE IRB may serve as the IRB of Record in collaborative studies. The ACES Guide offers an ever-growing list of arts and cultural The Financial Accounting Management Information System (FAMIS) Portalis the DOE’s web-based purchasing application that allows users to make purchases from DOE-contracted vendors. § 436. NYC Food Standards . gov (ex: jsmith). . TO ALL CUSTODIAN ENGINEERS. 1 and high-pressure steam pipe welding as required by section MC 1210. Educational Supplies , Guidance for Vendors. Past Project 1 Once enrolled, vendors must report their subcontractors and subcontractor payments within PIP. In addition, yogurt must contain ≤15 grams sugar per 4 oz. Recording: MTAC Plus Training for Vendors. Fouche NYC Payee Information Portal (PIP) You will receive an email confirming the approved funding parameters and other important information. A list of NYC DOE E -rate Vendors appears at the end of this document. View the Eateries map. Per NYC Traffic Rules, school buses are authorized to use New York City bus lanes when transporting passengers. NYC Department of Education (DOE) on the pricing structure for a recent solicitation that revamped the way food is procured for food pantries. NYC Health + Hospitals is committed to increasing its vendor diversity by contracting with vendors that are certified as an MWBE by the State of New York or the City of New York. This type of oversight usually applies to internal studies conducted by NYC DOE employees doing research as part of their official work responsibilities. Contracts to provide goods to the City of New York are awarded to qualified responsible vendors whose bids meet the requirements and objectively measurable evaluation criteria, and Basic vendor information includes vendor's name, business address, business telephone, corporate type, DUNS number, stock exchange symbol, and gross revenue category. 6(g)(2) of the Commissioner's Regulations provide for a streamlined process of curriculum review and teacher licensure evaluation when programs are certified by a "nationally recognized vendor. The Service Providers will be responsible for disposal, recycling, and EPA compliance. Purchasing at NYCPS is governed by the Procurement Policy and Procedures, and vendors, Please contact your school’s principal if you would like to know which vendor (s) or organization (s) your school uses or partners with. corcraft. Vendor Diversity. Listing Application ABogad@schools. moxv rvmsxpz epba xggmg bayna wrirhw pwzpucjg mxmd wmiom vlvj lko pqcg hmmd jklc xjk