Bobcat 753 hydraulic control valve removal ) Remove the bolts (Item 1) [Figure 20-190-1] Remove the BICS valve assembly from the control valve. Remove the two mounting bolt/nuts (Item 4) [Figure 20-50-3]. Remove the lift arm bypass control valve. Hydrostatic Drive Problems and Solutions; bobcat has no lift. Remove the O-ring from the main relief valve adapter fitting (Item 1) [Figure 20-40-30]. I show how I remove the plug and replace w I have a 2000 Bobcat 753, and I'm currently rebuilding the control valve on it. Remove the actuator from the hydraulic control valve. Hydraulic Control Valve End Cover | Loader | 6589226 | Bobcat Company Bobcat 753 blown hydraulic line replacement and repair help. Prev BobCat 753 – HYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE (ADVANCED CONTROL SYSTEM) (ACS) – Cleaning And Inspection. With the engine off, turn the start key to the ON position and move both hydraulic control levers to relieve hydraulic pressure. Remove the pin (Item 1) [Figure 50-91-5] holding the linkage to Control Valve Assembly for Bobcat Skid Steer Loader(s) 653, 751, 753, 763, 773. Install new O-rings during assembly. Loosen the port relief valve (Item 1) [Figure 20-40-58](Port E1). ) Remove the belt shield. BobCat S70 – HYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE – BICS Valve, Solenoid Removal And Installation Remove the mounting nut (Item 1) [Figure 20-40-13] from the solenoid stem. Installation: Tighten the mounting bolts to 180 – 200 in. Remove the engine/hydrostatic pump assembly from the loader. Remove They told him that the cost to fix was more than the machine was worth. ) Remove the restrictor (Item 1) [Figure 20-40-51] from the lift section base end port. Remove To remove the BICSTM from the control valve loosen and remove the six mounting bolts (Item 1) [Figure 20-41-28]. Reverse the removal procedure to install the lock valve. Remove the two screws (Item 1) [Figure 20-41-25] on the actuator retainer. (See Fuel Injector Removal And Installation on Page 70-70-10. ) Remove the screws (Item 1) [Figure 20-41-71] from the end cap. Installation: Tighten the mounting nuts to 20 ft. Remove the two mounting bolts (Item 1) [Figure 20-40-17] that secure the control valve to the side of the loader. Loosen and remove the main relief valve (Item 1) [Figure 20-30-7]. Remove the nut (Item 1) [Figure 20-40-24] from the mounting bracket on the right front corner of the control valve. Drain the hydraulic reservoir. Remove the two mounting bolts (Item 1) [Figure 20-50-2]. Search for: BobCat 753 – HYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE (ADVANCED CONTROL SYSTEM) (ACS) – Auxiliary Electric Solenoid Remove the nut (Item 1) [Figure 20-41-80] from both solenoids. the spool for the lift in the control valve is not smooth at all. Refer to the Operation & Maintenance Manual for operating instructions, starting procedure, daily checks, etc. Remove the O-rings (Item 1), and back-up washer (Item 2) [Figure 20-40-35] from the Anti Cavitation/Check valve. (See Installing Lift Arm Support Device on Page 10-20-1. ) Remove the control panel. Next BobCat 753 – HYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE (FOOT CONTROL) – Load Check Valves. Using a flat blade screw driver, remove the lift arm by-pass orifice (Item 1) [Figure 20-40-36] & [Figure 20-40-37]. Installation: Tighten the mounting nut to 53 in. They told him it needed a new gear pump, swash plates, rotating groups, lift cylinders, and a hydraulic control valve. ) Check the mounting block (Item 1) [Figure 60-122-28] and bolts for wear and replace as needed. Hydraulic Pump. Remove the end cap (Item 1). When replacing the front and back seals of the two spools in the control valve remove the front rubber covers and seals Remove the Anti Cavitation/Check valve (Item 1) [Figure 20-40-34] from the tilt cylinder base end port. (See Removal and Installation on Page 50-100-2. Remove the solenoid nut (Item 1) [Figure 20-90-9]. Remove the screws (Item 1) from the detent bonnet. Disconnect the inlet hose (Item 1) from the hydraulic pump (Item 2) [Figure 20-60-6]. ) to remove the left rear pivot pin. Home; Contact Us; Posted on March 3, 2022 by Jack. (10,2-11,3 N•m) torque. ) Disconnect pilot line (Item 1) [Figure 20-100-1] from diverter block. BobCat 753 – LIFT ARM BY-PASS CONTROL VALVE – Removal And Installation. NOTE: The tilt and auxiliary load check valves are interchangeable. Installation: Tighten the bolt and nut to 25-28 ft. ) BobCat 753 – HYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE (FOOT CONTROL) – BICSTM Valve Check Valve Disassembly And Assembly Remove the check valve (Item 1) [Figure 20-40-38]. Remove the four mounting bolts (Item 2) [Figure 60-120-6] from the controller. Install the spool tool (Item 1) [Figure 20-41-73] over the centering spring. had to remove it with a hammer. (See Removal And Installation on Page 40-100-1. ) Remove drive belt shield. Always replace these O-rings 753 Bobcat Loader II Service Manual FOREWORD This manual is for the Bobcat loader mechanic. BobCat 753 – BUCKET POSITION VALVE – Disassembly And Assembly. Recent Posts. Remove the O-rings and back-up washer from the anti-cavitation valve [Figure 20-40-63]. ) Remove the right rear tire. Installation: Tighten the nut to 53 in. Disconnect the hydraulic pump outlet tubeline (Item 3) [Figure 20-60-6] from the outlet fitting. That is the pressure supply line to the control valve that BOBCAT S130 – HYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE (STANDARD) – Lift Spool And Detent Removal And Installation from the control valve. Remove the nuts from the valve cover, remove the valve cover and gasket [Figure 70-100-1]. Skip to content. - lbs. (See Removing And Replacing Hydraulic Fluid on Page 10-130-5. NOTE: The two top valves are for the forward drive loop and the two bottom valves are for the reverse drive loop. (122-136 Nm) torque. Posted in BobCat 753. (See Removing And Replacing Hydraulic Fluid on Page 10-120-2. BobCat 753 – ADVANCED CONTROL SYSTEM (ACS) ADVANCED HAND CONTROL – Actuators Disassembly And Assembly. Assembly: Tighten the screws to 90-100 ft. Remove the electric solenoid (Item 2) [Figure 60-110-2] from the chaincase cover. Your email address will not be published. Installation: Tighten the bolt and nut to 90-100 in. Clamp the linkage end of the spool in a vise [Figure 20-40-56]. (34-38 Nm) torque. unuasal for valve seals to fail quickly unless improperly installed if backwards will seal for a while but thats it (lip in) ambient temp change seems to have an effect as well. Remove the bolts (Item 3) [Figure 20-41-16] from the lift arm by-pass control valve bracket. Remove the anti-cavitation valve (Item 2) [Figure 20-40-61] & [Figure 20-40-62] (Port F1). Remove the detent bonnet. (10,2-11,3 Nm) torque. Remove the hydraulic reservoir. BobCat 753 – HYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE (FOOT CONTROL) – Load Check Valves. (See Removal And Installation on Page 60-70-4. BobCat 753 – HYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE (ADVANCED CONTROL SYSTEM) (ACS) – Lift And Tilt Spool Disassembly And Assembly. (See Removal and Installation on Page 50-100-1. Check the Bobcat Online Parts Catalog to ensure the correct part for your equipment. Of course, the service manual just states "Step 938374: Remove the control Remove the control valve. Tighten to 35-40 ft. Remove the lift arm pivot pin (Item 1) [Figure 20-20-5] (both sides). Remove the two mounting nuts (Item 1) [Figure 80-50-3]. BobCat 753 – ENGINE COMPONENTS AND TESTING – Glow Plugs Removal And Remove the actuator from the hydraulic control valve. ) Prev BobCat 753 – CONTROL PEDALS (ACS another common leak is the aux stub line (usually when running a breaker) about 3 inches long. Locate the two BICS lock valves, (Item 1) is for the tilt circuit, and (Item 2) [Figure 20-41-93] is for the lift circuit. Next BobCat 753 – HYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE (ADVANCED CONTROL SYSTEM) (ACS) – Lift And Tilt Spool Disassembly And Assembly. (See Glow Plugs Removal And Installation on Page 70-70-2. Hydraulic Tractor Troubleshooting. Installation: Tighten the nut to 8-12 ft. (6 Nm) torque. BOBCAT S130 – HYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE (STANDARD) – Plug Removal And Installation At the top side of the control valve, remove the plug (Item 1) [Figure 20-40-37]. Home; Posted on March 4, 2022 by Jack. Installation: Tighten the mounting bolts to 180-200 in. Parts can vary depending on your serial number. Hydrostatic Drive Problems and Solutions; Negative Displacement Pump Types; Parts of a Gear Pump and How BobCat 753 – HYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE (FOOT CONTROL) – BICSTM Valve Lock Valve Disassembly And Assembly. more Then I removed the flexible hydraulic hoses, then the hard hydraulic lines, then a tire, and the final hydraulic hose, then the control block itself. BobCat 753 – HYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE (ADVANCED CONTROL SYSTEM) (ACS) – Actuator Removal And Installation Remove the two screws (Item 1) [Figure 20-41-25] on the actuator retainer. BobCat 753 – HYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE (ADVANCED CONTROL SYSTEM) (ACS) – Lift Base End Restrictor. (41-68 Nm) torque. (21-23 Nm) torque. Remove the mounting nut (Item 1) [Figure 20-41-42] from the solenoid cartridge. Also order 6816252. Remove the connectors. Installation: Tighten the valve to 20 ft. (See Removal And Installation on Page 40-110-1. Published by Jack BobCat S70 – HYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE – Port Relief/Anti-Cavitation Valve Removal And Installation Remove the Port Relief/Anti Cavitation valve (Item 1) [Figure 20-40-32]. (52 – 61 N•m) torque. Installation: Tighten the drive motor mounting bolts to 90-100 ft. Remove the drain hose (Item 2) [Figure 30-20-2] from the drive motor. NOTE: Ensure the washers are installed. (See LIFTING AND BLOCKING THE LOADER on Page 10-10-1. Inspect the by-pass valve for damage Prev BobCat 753 – LIFT ARM BY-PASS CONTROL VALVE – Removal And Installation. BobCat 753 – HYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE (ADVANCED CONTROL SYSTEM) (ACS) – BICSTM Valve, Lift Arm By-Pass Orifice Removal and Installation Remove the fitting (Item 1) [Figure 20-41-32] from the valve. Remove the BICSTM valve assembly from the control valve. Assemble: Tighten the plug to 30-50 ft. Remove the main relief valve adapter fitting (Item 1) [Figure 20-40-29]. I bought a service manual and followed the procedures in it and removed the entire control valve/BICS valve assembly. ) Loosen the drive belt tensioner (Item 1) [Figure 30-40-3] and remove the drive belt. BobCat 753 – HYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE (FOOT CONTROL) – Rubber Boot Remove the two screws (Item 1) [Figure 20-40-66] on the rubber boot retainer. Check the Remove the actuators (Item 1) [Figure 20-41-70] from the control valve. Remove the port relief plug (Item 1) [Figure 20-40-33] from the auxiliary circuit of the control valve. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials, as these can damage the valve. Remove the hydrostatic pump drive pulley mounting nut (Item 2) [Figure 30-40-3] and washer. Installation: Always use new O-rings (Item 1) [Figure 20-40-38]. Remove the fixed-end main valve hose (Item 1) [Figure 20-40-15] from the main control valve fitting. Complete valve seal kit. ) Remove the right upperstructure cover. The pin must be driven out from the engine compartment. Find the diagram and information about the hydraulic control valve of the Bobcat 753 skid steer loader for troubleshooting and repairs. Remove the two mounting nuts (Item 1) [Figure 80-50-4]. Put the linkage end of the spool in the vice [Figure 20-41-73]. ) Remove the four large O-rings (Item 1) and small O-ring (Item 2)[Figure 20-41-50]. Remove the gasket (Item 1) and coupler (Item 2) [Figure 30-40-8] with the hydraulic pump. (6,78 Nm) torque. Installation: Tighten the nut to 60 (See Removal And Installation on Page 70-40-1. Disconnect the lift control cross bar (Item 2) [Figure 40-30-6] from the lift spool on the main control valve. BobCat 753 – HYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE (ADVANCED CONTROL SYSTEM) (ACS) – BICSTM Valve, Lock Valve Removal and Installation Remove the lock valves (Item 1)[Figure 20-41-38], [Figure 20-41-39] & [Figure 20-41-40] from the BICS] valve. (6 N•m) torque. Remove the three mount bolts (Item 1) [Figure 60-70-3] of the system controller mounting bracket. as to why i do not know but , first frost and first warm up get a rash of BobCat 753 – HYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE (FOOT CONTROL) – Port-Auxiliary Section Disassembly Remove the plug (Item 1) [Figure 20-40-119] or optional port relief valve from the control valve. BobCat 753; BobCat E35; BOBCAT S130; BobCat S70; Creation Remove the lift spool lock solenoid (Item 1) [Figure 20-40-111]. #12 males on each end. ) Disconnect the lift control cross bar (Item 1) [Figure 40-30-6] from the lift pedal linkage. Remove the retainer bolt (Item 1) [Figure 20-20-6] and nut from the lift cylinder rod end pivot pin (both sides). Remove the top left drive motor hose (Item 1) [Figure 20-40-25] from Remove the lock solenoids (Item 1) & from the lock block. Remove the solenoid nut (Item 2) [Figure 20-90-1]. Check for damage and replace as needed. Remove the lock solenoids (Item 1) [Figure 20-40-68 Remove the two hoses (Item 1) [Figure 30-20-2] from the drive motor. BobCat 753 – HYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE (ADVANCED CONTROL SYSTEM) (ACS) – Auxiliary Spool Removal And Installation Remove the screws (Item 1) [Figure 20-41-77] from the end cap (both sides). Remove the control valve from the loader BOBCAT S130 – HYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE (STANDARD) – Load Check Valve Removal And Installation (Tilt & Auxiliary) [Figure 20-40-22]. Lock the loader arms in the up position with the orange bar to make access over the side of the machine to the control valve. BobCat 753 – CONTROL PANEL – Removal and Installation. ) Remove the four large O-rings (Item 1) [Figure 20-40-52] and small O-ring (Item 2) [Figure 20-40-52]. Remove the two mounting bolts (Item 1) [Figure 60-110-2] from the electric solenoid mounting bracket. Assembly: Always use new O-rings and back-up washers. BobCat 753 – HYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE (FOOT CONTROL) – Main Relief Valve Remove the main relief valve. Can you spot the problem? The first 10 people to spot the proble BobCat 753 – HYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE (FOOT CONTROL) – Auxiliary Spool Removal And Installation Remove the screws (Item 1) [Figure 20-40-114] from the end cap (both sides). Remove the screws (Item 1) [Figure 20-40-108] from the end cap. It provides necessary servicing and adjustment procedures for the Bobcat loader and its component parts and systems. NOTE: Optional port relief (Item 1) [Figure 20-40-119] is a 3500 PSI valve. Installation: Tighten the solenoid nut to 60 in. Disconnect the blower fan wiring connector (Item 1) [Figure 80-50-2] from the loader wiring harness. Thread starter Widgeon71; Another option is to remove the hose and take ALL of the hose to a hydraulic shop, including the piece you cut out, and they can make you a new hose the proper length with the correct ends. ) To remove the BICSTM from the control valve loosen and remove the six mounting bolts (Item 1) [Figure 20-40-31]. BobCat 753 – HYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE (FOOT CONTROL) – Lift And Tilt Lock Block Removal And Installation. Remove the heater unit from the rear of the cab. Raise the lift arms and install an approved lift arm support device. ) Remove the hydraulic filter. Posted in BobCat 753 Remove the hairpin clip and cross-pin (Item 1) [Figure 50-90-9] to disconnect the tilt foot pedal linkage from the control valve. Bobcat control valve leaking at the spool seals, but there is another issue with the valve. Remove the tilt spool lock solenoid (Item 2) [Figure 20-40-111]. (See BICSTM Valve Removal And Installation on Page 20-40-10. Next BobCat 753 – HYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE (FOOT CONTROL) – Removal And Installation (S/N 515840211 & Below) Search for: Search. Remove the four large O-rings (Item 1) and the small O-ring (Item 2) [Figure 20-41-30] from the top of the control valve. Remove the lift load check valve (Item 2) [Figure 20-40-19]. Remove the two mounting bolts (Item 1) [Figure 60-120-6] from the controller mounting bracket. Skip to content Contact Us; Posted on March 8, 2022 by Jack. Replaces Bobcat OEM Number(s) 6808046, 6628394. Remove the four seat mounting nuts (Item 1) [Figure 50-30-1] and washers from the operator seat mounting studs. Remove the access cover (Item 2) [Figure 80-50-1] from the loader. (See BICSTM Valve, Removal And Installation on Page 20-41-9. (27 Nm) torque. tilt spool works as it should. Remove the outlet tube line (Item 2) [Figure 20-40-23] from the control valve. Remove the bracket (Item 1) [Figure 60-110-3] from the chaincase cover. Remove the lift spool seal (Item 1) [Figure 20-40-55] from the linkage end of the valve. Remove the lift Remove the travel levers. Remove the solenoid nut (Item 1) . Remove the lock valves (Item 1) [Figure 20-40-41], [Figure 20-40-42] & [Figure 20-40-43] from the BICSTM (Item 2) [Figure 20-40-44] on the tilt and lift lock valves. Installation: Tighten the mounting bolts to 25-28 ft. (24-27 Nm) torque. Installation: Tighten the screws to 90-100 in. Remove the controller from the loader. Remove the lift arm by-pass control valve from the loader. ) Remove the glow plugs. Next BobCat 753 – HYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE (FOOT CONTROL) – Removal And Installation (S/N 515840211 & Below) Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Remove the bolt (Item 1) [Figure 50-90-10] and nut from the pedal linkage. Remove the system controller. Search for: Search. Remove the BICSTM valve assembly from the top of the control valve [Figure 20-41-29]. Clean the area around the control valve. Remove the lift . Remove the main relief valve (Item 1) [Figure 20-40-31] from the To do these checks do I need to remove the control valve assembly? I'd like to start with the least intrusive steps if possible - can I check the relief valve cartridges without removing the assembly? I have a bobcat 753 with a Order your Hydraulic Control Valve End Cover for Loaders, 6589226 today. Remove the washer (Item 3) [Figure 20-40-42]. Cap or plug all open hydraulic connections. (47-54 Nm) torque. Pull the actuator (Item 2) [Figure 20-41-25] away from the control valve. Remove the tubeline clamp (Item 1) [Figure 20-41-17] on the left fender to allow the auxiliary tubelines to move during the removal and installation of the control valve. Remove the lift lock valve (Item 1) [Figure 20-41-94] from the back of the control valve. Remove the spool, centering spring, No description has been added to this video. Installation: Lubricate the O-rings and tighten the spool lock solenoids to 38 – 45 ft. Remove the bolt (Item 1) [Figure 20-41-74] holding the centering spring to the spool. you can operate it and remove and install it by hand. BOBCAT S130 – HYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE (STANDARD) – Lift Load Check Valve Removal And Installation Remove the fitting (Item 1) [Figure 20-40-19] from the check valve. Menu. ) Remove the four large O-rings (Item 1) BobCat 753. Remove the pin (Item 1) holding the linkage to the sensor. BobCat 753 – CONTROL PEDALS (ACS) – Foot Pedal Removal And Installation. Installation: Always use new O-rings, sleeve, and glide ring. Posted on March 4, 2022. (See Removal And Installation on Page 60-20-1. (See BICSTM Valve Removal And Installation on Page 20-40-1. (See Shield Removal And Installation on Page 30-50-1. BobCat 753 – HYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE (ADVANCED CONTROL SYSTEM) (ACS) – BICSTM Valve, Check Valve Removal and Installation Remove the check valve (Item 1)[Figure 20-41-35]. BobCat 753 – HYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE (FOOT CONTROL) – Port Relief Valve. ) Remove and discard the four large O-rings (Item 1) and small O-ring (Item 2) [Figure 20-40-27] from the top of the control valve. Remove the two mounting bolts (Item 4) [Figure 20-60-6] & (Item 1) [Figure 20-60-7] from the hydraulic pump with a 5/16 inch allen wrench. ) Remove the control panel from the loader. Cover for the detent made of zinc diecast alloy. Locate and remove the access covers (Item 1) [Figure 20-41-2] on the right side of the machine. -lbs. Remove the by-pass valve (Item 1) [Figure 20-50-3] from the valve block. Hydrostatic Drive Bobcat Loader 753, 753H BICS INCLUDES HIGH FLOW OPTION S/N: 508630001 & Above S/N: 511476001 & Above S/N: 512716001 & Above HYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE Removal And Installation Identification Chart Disassembly And Assembly Load Check Valve Lift Base End Restrictor Main Relief Valve Remove the auxiliary tube lines (Item 1) [Figure 20-40-23] from the control valve. NOTE: Remove the air cleaner (See AIR CLEANER SERVICE on Page 10-80-1. BobCat S70 – HYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE – Rubber Boot Removal And Installation Remove the two screws (Item 1) [Figure 20-40-38] from the rubber boot retainer. Genuine Bobcat 753 Loader Operation and Maintenance Digital Manual, 6900438PDF or Owner's Digital Manual provides the owner or operator with instructions on the safe and proper operation and maintenance of the 753 Loader. Posted in Remove the hydraulic pump (Item 2) [Figure 30-40-7] from the hydrostatic pumps. ) Remove the control valve from the loader. -lb. Skip to content +1-222-555-0187 Use a soft brush or compressed air to remove any buildup, and wipe the valve with a clean cloth. They could have been right. Always Clean the area around the control valve. Home; Contact Us; Posted on April 10, 2022 by Jack. from the control valve for the lift section. Remove the O-rings, sleeve, and glide ring from the main relief valve [Figure 20-40-57]. Remove the port relief valve. When resealing the main control valve its important not to overlook the plug and o-ring inside of the lift spool. ) Disconnect the wiring harness connectors from the controller (Item 1) [Figure 60-120-5]. ) Check the mounting block (Item 1) [Figure 60-121-26] and bolts for wear and replace as needed. Remove the O-ring (Item 1) and bushing (Item 2) [Figure 20-40-41]. It is a good idea to drain the hydraulic fluid first so it won't run out when you pull the spools. BobCat 753 – HYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE (FOOT CONTROL) – Removal And Installation (S/N 515840211 & Below) Lift and block the loader. (See Removal And Installation on Page 20-140-1. (See Removal And Installation on Page 70-20-1. (See Hydraulic Pump Removal And Installation on Page 30-40-8. BobCat 753 – HYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE (ADVANCED CONTROL SYSTEM) (ACS) – Removal And Installation (S/N 515840211 & Below) Lift and block the loader. Installation: Always use new O-rings (Item 1) [Figure 20-40-34]. compared it to the tilt spool. Installation: Tighten the mounting bolt & nut to 18-20 ft. (11-16 Nm) torque. (See Actuator Removal And Installation on Page 20-41-8. Remove the battery. (21 – 23 N•m) torque. Next BobCat 753 – HYDRAULIC PUMP (ALUMINUM) – Checking The Output Of The Hydraulic Pump. Loosen the connector mounting bolts (Item 1) [Figure 60-70-1] and [Figure 60-70-2] from the bobcat controller. 2 spool lock solenoids on the front of the valve where the links connect to the spools, 1 for the BICS hydraulic lock valve in the center of the valve, and 2 for the proportional solenoid valves that control the auxiliary circuit on the top of BobCat 753 – HYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE (ADVANCED CONTROL SYSTEM) (ACS) – Load Check Valve. Next BobCat 753 – LIFT ARM BY-PASS CONTROL VALVE – Removal And Installation. BobCat 753 – HYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE (FOOT CONTROL) – BICSTM Valve Lift Arm By-Pass Orifice Disassembly And Assembly Remove the fitting (Item 1) [Figure 20-40-35] from the valve. Connect a hoist to the lifting brackets (Item 1) [Figure 20-40-16] on the control valve. Remove the fuel injector nozzles. Installation: Tighten the bolt to 90-100 in. I show how I remove the plug and replace w Remove the BICS valve assembly from the control valve. ) Loosen the bolt on clamp (Item 1) [Figure 20-100-2] to aid in tubeline removal. ) Remove the floor mat and center floor plate. Installation: Tighten the bolt to When resealing the main control valve its important not to overlook the plug and o-ring inside of the lift spool. NOTE: The connectors are keyed and will only plug in one way. Genuine Bobcat Digital Manuals are downloadable PDFs giving you the most current version, written for your equipment, specific to your model and Remove the Bobcat controller mount from the frame. Remove the tilt lock valve (Item 1) [Figure 20-40-112] from the front of the control valve. Remove the four drive motor mounting bolts (Item 3) [Figure 30-20-2]. Remove the high pressure relief valve (Item 1) [Figure 30-40-2] from the pump. Remove the O-rings and back-up washer from the port relief valve [Figure 20-40-59]. Use a screw driver to remove the snap ring (Item 2). Posted on March 8, 2022 by Jack. Remove the BICS valve assembly from the control valve. Remove the by-pass control knob and jam nut from the valve shaft. Not at my computer at the moment, but on a typical G series standard control valve you should have 5 electrical connections. Remove the detent bonnet (Item 2) [Figure 20-40-43] from the detent bonnet. Loosen the load check plug (Item 3) [Figure 20-40-27]. ) Disconnect the wire harness connector (Item 1) [Figure 20-90-1] from the bucket position shutoff solenoid. lypgkk olxn mptqy sntpl zeebzt zedfy bwx xne xsr ghsle kzvixm foywf hany ndh mcjxg