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All attachments in town roblox Tips [] Try to use the Bryson Repeater for long range combat, but use a sight if doing so. roblox. It deals 33 overall damage with multipliers (3. Pros and Cons (tl;dr) [] Pros [] Increased Accuracy (15%) Lowered Recoil (-15% vertical) Low Weight (0. Usually, this doesn't matter, as in normal Town, everyone gets unlimited ammo. Attachment Slots [] The Glock-19 has 3 Attachment Slots, these being the Barrel, Optic, and Other. The M145 Sight is an attachment that gives the weapon 25% Accuracy and -5% lowered recoil and a high weight for an attachment, weighing 2lbs. 8lbs. Guns can either be manually modified via the inventory or by spawning in a gun with attachments. The MP5A2 can be differentiated from its other variants due to the stock. Speed. Similar to the other pistols with a low ammo capacity, you'll be reloading often so you should make sure your not being charged at while trying to reload. 31 This pistol is surprisingly good at long range when paired with the Attachments; Community. Town (Roblox) Wiki is a Attachment Slots [] The ACR has 4 Attachment Slots. This includes, avatars, builds, VC, etc. When aimed down sights, the Musket boasts perfect accuracy — like a standard sniper, making it reliable at all ranges. Unfortunately, due to its high damage fall-off and low accuracy, it is not viable for any other ranges. It also doesn't weigh much, only weighing 0. Tips [] Gangsta-Style dual wielding the MAC-10s is actually a good strategy, maximizing the fire rate. It has a high fire rate, damage and a large magazine making it highly effective Attachment Slots [] The VSS Vintorez has 3 Attachment Slots, the Optic, Grip, and Other. Akimbo. List of Admin Weapons as of 02/26/25. Tips [] Try to use the M60 for close to medium range, since its recoil may make it difficult to use for long distances. Make sure to put on a sight, though. 57 Vertical recoil- 0. These are: Barrel, Optic, Grip, and Other. 5 Pounds Attachments slots- 3 Slots Ammo capacity- 13 + 1 Damage- 25 -> 15 Damage range- [90] -> 250 Fire rate- 550 Reload speed- 2 | 2. Yes, you have to A short video on how to use attachments! Enjoy! https://www. View source History Purge Talk (0) Summary [] Akimbo is a game mechanic, added in place of the Akimbo M9, that allows players to dual-wield certain sidearms with another sidearm. Attachment Points [] The Lee Enfield can only mount a Barrel Attachment. Barrel attachments that reduce noise profile and hide your muzzle flash. Extra Weapons only gun !s ol The Olympia is a German-Italian over-under double barreled shotgun chambered for 12 Gauge Tungsten Slugs. It gives the user less Aim Sway and some recoil control, but has a !s FiveSeveN The Five SeveN is one of the many pistols in the game. The reticle of the sight are The Remington 870 has 4 Attachment Slots, these being the Barrel, Optic, Grip, and Other. These being the Barrel, Optic, Grip, Other, and Stock. DragonFly; Ascension device Town (Roblox) The Honey Badger has only 3 Attachment Slots. Make sure your going up against a low amount of enemies while you're using it as you'll often spend all of the magazine on that enemy and will need to reload. However, it takes up your entire FOV and slows down your gun aim time. You can also give them a SAW Blade or Katana, and they'll be more content doing a swordfish cosplay than killing you. Tips [] Try to use the USP for close and medium encounters when possible. The RK-2 Grip has been popularized by Escape from Tarkov. thank you guys for watching I hope you enjoyed this video !spawn as The AS VAL is a Russian carbine that fires the subsonic 9x39mm cartridge, dealing 40 -> 12. Roblox/Gaming/FPS; Roblox Games 2020; town. The main feature of the Inforce light is the ability to shine light which proves useful when in dark places or purely in the night. Infinite. Pros and Cons Attachment Slots [] The AUG A3 has 4 Attachment Slots. Pros and Cons (tl;dr) [] Pros [] Increased !s MG4 The MG4 is a light machine gun chambered for the 5. This makes it hard to hit that all-important headshot, and it is unlikely you will be able to fire off another shot. As the magazine size is quite small, you can be Summary The Inforce light is a "attachment" that gives the weapon no stat changes at all and weighs 0lbs. The appearance of SCORPION FINALLY (most of these guns will be spawnable soon so make sure to check back)Mature mode: !tmtEdited with Premiere Pro0:00 - Intro0:42 - Muzzles1:1 Attachment Slots [] The KRISS Vector has 4 Attachment Slots, these being the Barrel, Optic, Grip, and Other. Containment A12; Intimidator; Fallen (Armor) Town (Roblox) Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Tips [] With the right setup, the AKs-74u can become a all-ranges weapon. Below is a table containing all the information on their stats listed in-game in alphabetical order. Fan Central. 631. 18 + 1. This attachment gives a large amount of suppression, but it still makes some noise which means your not invisible and certain weapons are more quiet then others. Increased Suppression (50%) Slightly lowered Recoil (V-5%, H Attachments; Community. The JGM4 is a Chinese made Optic Attachment. This is one of the most demanded weapons on the Town Discord. Tips [] Even without any mods, the SCAR-H is still very accurate, although the recoil is an issue. 6lbs. Category. The CL6X is a sight attachment. It has a fast fire rate along with a 20 round magazine, fast . It is a 4x Scope, similar to the ACOG. 5x Limbs) in a rapid 3-Shot burst. !s EOTech The EOTech is an Optic Attachment. com/u Gamepasses are virtual passes that grant certain benefits or items in games once purchased using Robux. Do not, under any circumstances, violate Roblox’s ToS. While it increases the accuracy by a lot, it's not the same for the recoil, which isn't Attachment Slots [] The Desert Eagle has 4 Attachment Slots, these being the Barrel, Optic, Grip, and Other. 56x45mm NATO cartridge. 5% accuracy and -8% recoil. Explore. The appearance of it is useless rangefinders with a red arrow in the middle that glows in the dark, making it useful for seeing in the dark, except you won't see anything else without NV Goggles. The CheyTac M200, more commonly known as the Intervention is an iconic bolt-action sniper rifle chambered for . This Item will spawn into your Inventory (` Key) when being spawned in. Town (Roblox) Wiki 335. Items Category page. Main Page; Discuss; All Pages; Community; Interactive Maps; Town (Roblox) Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. N/A. These are the Optic, Barrel, Grip, and Other. This included with moderate recoil, high accuracy and decent firerate makes the rifle a good choice Attachment Slots [] The M1911 has 3 Attachment Slots. View source History Purge Talk (0) A list of armor that is currently available ingame. Tips [] This weapon is extremely powerful in CQC. Current Advertisement. Help; in: Sniper, Items. Help; Admin Weapon Category page. If you want to try out one of their other games SIPHON, then check here. The Dragunov SVD is a semi-automatic rifle designated as a marksman rifle chambered in 7. Made by: DecodeUnicode, reziren, Vespei, and CrimsonArbor. View Mobile Site This Item will spawn into your Inventory (` Key) when being spawned in. <Item+Attachment> also works !s FAMAS The FAMAS G2 is a bullpup assault rifle chambered for 5. The Coyote Sight is an attachment that gives weapons 12. 5x Limbs). Welcome to the Description!_____Subscribe Here!🌀https://bit. View Mobile Site You can pacify unarmed NPCs and prevent them from going to steal weapons, by giving them weapon attachments. 85x Limbs) and a long range to match, along with having up to 8 shots, making it a powerful free sniper. Tips [] Try to use the AUG A3 for close to medium ranged combat but if the user insist, attempt to space out shots and add attachments that can increase accuracy and lower recoil. The Extra Weapons gamepass costs 100 Robux and grants players access to an extended The Model 1777 Musket is a muzzle-loaded smoothbore that fires a round Musket ball, dealing 65 -> 40 (6x on Head, 2x on Torso, 0. It is a jack of all trades weapon, which is to be expected. 5 damage (5. ԁo note that some of these stat commanԁs are applicable to attachments too. Help; Sign In Don't have an account? Register Sign In Explore. The gun deals a modest 80 to 50 damage (4x head, 2x torso), One of the glaring flaws of the Python is it only having 1 Attachment Slot. Though, the slow reload speed is a significant drawback in big firefights (especially when against a sweat with 4 Weight- 2. Use attachments that increase accuracy. This page will give you a short and brief summary of all the vehicles that are in town and town debug, hopefully you can leave this site with more knowledge in your head than most. Town Attachments slots. For example: This is the name to attach stuff on ur right hand, so I am wondering what all (Do note, I am currently testing this right now, this page was mostly made to find alternatives) I’m trying to find the optimal way of finding every attachment that is within x amount of studs. This item can be used Attachment Slots [] The SCAR-H has 4 Attachment Slots, these being the Barrel, Optic, Grip, and Other. Tips [] Try to use this as a long range weapon, as a slug is just as good as a fully powered cartridge. Refer to Roblox's Community Standards for all their policies. Attachments; Community. View Mobile Site What is up guys today I will be showing you guys the best attachments for the L96A1 in Roblox town. Pros and Cons [] Pros [] 1 Shot KO; Fast Firerate; Cons [] Limited Availability; Slow in combat; Trivia [] This weapon is in SIPHON, and it is revealed that the top part of the sword can be fired and retracted via the Attachment Slots [] The USP Match has 3 Attachment Slots. The Compensator is an attachment that gives weapons 35% accuracy, 25% extra range, 20% suppression and reduces its recoil by 35%. Downsides [] The attachment is bugged, and doesn't actually do anything. com/games/4991214437?privateServerLinkCode=19393415518871013046247162029679 private server SCORPION FINALLY (most of these guns will be spawnable soon so make sure to check back)Mature mode: !tmtEdited with Premiere Pro0:00 - Intro0:42 - Muzzles1:1 A good loadout (Roblox Game: Town) ^^^ This command gives you 3 guns, a medkit, a defibrillator (to revive a downed teammate), some armor, and a bunch of attachments to put Hello, I am wondering what all the names are for the attachments that Accessories use. A short video on how to use attachments! Enjoy! https://www. Unlike other attachments, the compensator itself provides decent and beneficial changes to the stats unlike other attachments which only give slight increases, though it can be further increased with other attachments. Help; in: Armor, SWAT. This includes avatars, builds, VCs, etc. Help; in: Gameplay and Mechanics. Tips [] The Block II is viable at all ranges depending on the loadout, but it should be used in medium to close range. So if you want to snipe at long range, then h a v e f u n. Tips [] Try to use the Steyr Elite for medium to long ranged combat only; When used for long ranged combat, scopes such as the Hunting Scope are highly effective to see further into the map than the default iron sights. Its chambered for FN 5. Pros and Cons [] Town (Roblox) Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Pros Attachment Points. You can try to use it for long range, but make Attachment Slots [] The PP2000 has 3 Attachment Slots. The Shovel is one of the few melee weapons in town(Roblox) Last Modified: 2025-02-06 07:35:23. If you are in a private server and you want to spawn mod-exclusive guns, then say "!mspawn" instead, otherwise it won't work. We appreciate any (helpful) additions to this wiki. Attachment Slots [] The MAC-10 has 5 Attachment Slots. Tips [] The Bizon should be used in CQC, with its ability to consistently pepper enemies with lead. Damage. It deals 28 damage on average (4x Head, 0. Where this actually does matter, is in a private server, when the command "!ta" is used. Attachments slots. To do this, press Z while aiming and have a sidearm equipped, this will dual-wield your sidearms with The Ascension Device is like the Laptop, as they are the only 3 items in the game that can summon a drone. Tips [] Try to use the Desert Eagle at either Close or Medium range encounters. Tips [] Try to use the KRISS Vector for close-medium encounters, if a enemy is shooting you from afar, try to move in It's not really much of a difference like most attachments, but stacked with others it gets better since it's an upgrade from not having one attached on your weapon. Tips [] The MK 17 CQC should be used for close range and medium ranged encounters, as its high damage and decent fire rate can easily neutralize any enemy up close with minor worry of the recoil causing any problems. Pros and This Item will spawn into your Inventory (` Key) when being spawned in. Trending pages. Tips [] The HK416 is best fitted at medium range encounters due to its great damage and great accuracy, so it should be used at close-medium range encounters for suppressing enemies. 5x on Limb). This attachment gives the most suppression of them all, but it still makes some noise which means your not invisible and certain weapons are more quiet then others. These are the Barrel, Optic, Grip, and Other. Always stay near cover so you can hide while cycling the bolt or if sniping use a Ghillie suit Hello, I am wondering what all the names are for the attachments that Accessories use. Tips [] The AS VAL is best used for close range, where it can obliterate every target, even those with full armor. It is more stable than most rifles, so keep that in mind when customizing it Attachment Slots [] The M60 only has 2 Attachment Slots, the Barrel and Other. Tips [] Try to use the M1911 for close and medium encounters when possible. 7 (Empty) Accuracy- [99] | 180 ADS Horizontal recoil- 0. Attachments serve as a way to modify an existing gun. Armor Category page. ly/2QXCy76_____Username link🔔https://www. 0. These are the Optic, Grip, and Other. !eg ReloaԁSpeeԁ [seconԁs/unit] (loaԁeԁ) !eg ReloaԁSpeeԁ2 [seconԁs/unit] (empty) !eg maxammo [clip size] * !eg GunRecoil [vertical] Town (Roblox) Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Attachments; Community. 5 Slots. However, it has a low fire rate, high recoil and a slow !s offset The Offset RK-2 is a Grip that can be attached to any guns with a Grip Attachment Slot. 56x45mm NATO ammunition. 9x Torso, 0. Massively Lowered Recoil Slower Equip Time Slower Reload Speed This Grip features heavily in the 2021 film The Tomorrow War, being !s JGM4 This Item will spawn into your Inventory (` Key) when being spawned in. The HK416 has 4 slots for attachments. Tips [] Try to use the Remington 870 for close or medium ranged encounters when possible, it is not effective for long ranged combat as it is a shotgun. This makes the weapon it is attached to slightly Attachment Slots [] The SAW Blade has no attachment slots. The ACOG is a sight that increases the accuracy of any weapon by 15% and also lowers its recoil by 15%. Town (Roblox) Wiki is a I Forgot something ?? WIP Ammo is a mechanic in Town. Tips [] The AK-15 should be used for close range and medium ranged encounters, as its high damage and fast fire rate can easily suppress any enemy up close without any worry of the recoil causing any problems. Pros and Cons [] Pros [] Decent at CQC. For example: This is the name to attach stuff on ur right hand, so I am wondering what all the names are for all the areas. The MAC-10 is surprisingly Attachment Slots [] The Bizon only has 2 Attachment Slots, being the Barrel and Optic. Town is a semi-realistic game gun testing/building game on Roblox. The ascension device is often used by admins to scout out everyone, or if they want to scare someone. 45. 65 Cooldown. 25x Head, 2x Torso, 0. It gives the weapon 100% accuracy and improved magnification with low weight, weighing only 0. Downsides [] !s Range This attachment is only able to be spawned in by purchasing the Extra Weapons gamepass. 2lbs) Attachments; Community. For example: "!Ms ^^^ This command gives you 3 guns, a medkit, a defibrillator (to revive a downed teammate), some armor, and a bunch of attachments to put on the guns. Tips [] Unlike other melee weapons, this one can 1 shot enemies. Attachment Slots [] The MCX has 3 Attachment Slots, these being the Optic, Grip, and Other. The Muzzle Brake gives weapons a 15% reduction in both vertical and horizontal recoil as well as increasing accuracy marginally. Help; in: Miscelanious. View source History Purge Talk (0) You can thank them for the AK. The SLR Compensator is an attachment that gives weapons 25% accuracy, and a high reduction in Horizontal Recoil Increased Accuracy (25%) Lowered Recoil (-35% Horizontal) Barely reduces Vertical Recoil The Compensator exist Attachment Slots [] The M26 MASS has only one Slot, that being the Optic. Pros and Cons (tl;dr) [] Pros [] Increased Spread; Cons [] Increased Recoil (15%) Lowered Ex: (copy this if you want)!setspawn ak+green+coy+su+ergo hk+eo+su+ergo+green m4+acog+su+ergo+green m1911+coy+su+ex+ergo+greenplease sub and like for me, i w This Item will spawn into your Inventory (` Key) when being spawned in. ) Tips [] This rifle has stable damage across all ranges, making it a solid choice for any aspiring operator. Tips [] Use this weapon for mainly long to medium range combat, due to its high accuracy and slower fire rate. Attachment Slots [] The MP5A2 has 2 Attachment Slots, these being the Barrel and Optic. Russian Category page. Fire rate. When attached The PBS Suppressor is a attachment that gives the weapon 55% Suppression, making the weapon fire much more quietly than without it. 5x Head, 0. 85x Torso, 0. pages. To start off, there are only two that are obtainable in the base default map for town are the Humvee and Jeep other than that, the rest are unobtainable without a moderator. 2X Zoom -10% Aim Speed None. These being the Optic, Grip, and Other. The Oil Filter is an interesting case. 100 -> 250. Tips [] Try to use the AUG A3 for close to medium ranged combat but if the user insist, attempt to space out shots and add attachments This Item will spawn into your Inventory (` Key) when being spawned in. Attachment Slots [] The G3A3 has 4 Attachment Slots, these being the Barrel, Optic, Grip, and Other. Sight Zoom Make 5 chats containing attachments 1 for barrels, others, scope, grip, and stock and list the stats next to the attachment. Attachment Slots [] The Steyr Elite has 4 Attachment Slots. These being the Barrel, Optic, Grip, and Other. These are the Barrel, Optic, and Other. The Rangefinder is a Laser-like attachment that adds 10% more accuracy, with the added bonus of a special meter when ADS. And of course, the stats while not much on its own can be a dramatic increase when Attachment Slots [] The AKs-74u has 3 Attachment Slots. 58. Town (Roblox) Wiki 337. Due to its fast reload, it is easy to overestimate your opponent. Downsides [] The RK-6 has no downsides. com/games/4991214437?privateServerLinkCode=19393415518871013046247162029679 private server The Heavy Suppressor is a attachment that gives the weapon 75% Suppression, making the weapon fire much more quietly than without it along with -10% Recoil. The Oil Filter is a barrel attachment that functions similarly to a Suppressor. (No wonder, considering this is the Adaptive Combat Rifle. 75x Limbs), while it appears to have low damage, the modifiers make it a formidable weapon unless you're hitting the The Wide Choke is a attachment that gives (specifically) shotguns extra spread. Since you only have 20 (21) shots, Attachment Points [] The R700 has 3 Attachment Points. Attachment Points [] The SOPMOD Block II has 4 attachment points. None. View source History Purge Talk (0) Items are useful gears that is gonna be needed sometimes [] Trending pages. There is actually no MP5A1, the closest you could get is the MP5 prototype, the MP54. Town (Roblox) Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. This disables the infinite ammo feature, and makes the game more realistic. Use it up close, as the damage drop-off is very severe. Help; Sights Category page. Things I have thought of: (Do note Equip a weapon and press V to equip attachments. !toggleammo/!ta Summary []. It gives 2x Zoom, and -10% aim speed, with no noticeable consequences. 2. To obtain them, use the command !modspawn. 408 CheyTac ammunition. . Tips [] When using the G3A3, try it for short to medium range when its possible as the recoil makes it ineffective for long range combat (unless used in semi) Town (Roblox) Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Tips [] Try to use the SPAS-12 for close or medium ranged encounters only, as a shotgun the chance of enough pellets hitting a target from afar to kill is low. 62x54mmR and designed and produced in the Soviet Union. Pros and Cons [] Pros Summary []. Town (Roblox) Wiki !s Pro The Professional Scope is a Sight attachment. It deals a hard-hitting 100 -> 50 damage (5x Head, 2x Torso, 0. Tips [] Like with many sidearms, this gun should be used at close range. Any h Attachments; Community. View source History Purge Talk (0) This is the page with all the sights. Due to its lack Summary []. While not much, the extra spread makes it possible to eliminate enemies without needing to be accurate. 8x Torso, 0. This Attachment Points [] The AK-15 has 4 Attachment Points. Damage range. It reduces recoil and has great suppression, however, it reduces accuracy the most of any attachment, reduces the range of when damage fall off starts, and is rather heavy. You can fire rapidly with it, but this can drain ammo Welcome to the (semi) Official Town (Roblox) Wiki. Pros and Cons [] Town (Roblox) Wiki is a FANDOM Attachment Points [] The SPAS-12 has 4 attachment points. Ammo capacity. Since this gun does not have good iron sights (or any, in fact) a sight is recommended. It has the highest zoom out of all the scopes, clocking in at 20x. 5 Limbs). Be careful when firing, as the SPAS-12 drains its 8 Shell count very fast. SCOPES AND SIGHTS []!s CoyoteSight !s HuntingScope !s ACOGSight !s Reflex !s CL6XSight !s EOTechSight !s JGM4Sight !s Attachment Slots [] The Bryson has 3 Attachment Slots, these being the Barrel, Optic, and Other. The EOTech sight has multiple variations, with the one in-game being the EOTech Attachment Slots [] The AR-15 has 4 Attachment Slots, these being the Barrel, Optic, Grip, and Other. 7x28mm ammunition and deals 35 -> 15 (4. Town contains four purchasable gamepasses that can grant access to certain features or weapons in the game. Currently there are 7 suppressors in the game. Tips [] Use the Magnum Revolver for close and medium ranged combat only. Groza-4; VDV; AK-47; Slav; GRU; AK-15 Town (Roblox) Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Pros and Cons [] Pros [] High firerate; Average Accuracy; Low Recoil This Item will spawn into your Inventory (` Key) when being spawned in. In game, it excels at recoil control, but comes with the downside of making the gun more sluggish to use. For example, if you wanted to spawn To inspect, press "T" and to modify a weapon's attachments, press "V" (ALL VERSIONS). Tips [] When used for long ranged combat, scopes such as the Hunting Scope are highly effective to see further into the map than the default iron sights. Tips [] When comparing the MCX with the Honey Badger, the MCX wins in terms of Accuracy and Noise, however the Honey Badger is better in almost every other way. 20 -> 15. Pros and Cons [] Pros [] Town (Roblox) Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Tips [] Try to use the PP2000 for close to medium ranged combat only, as a sub-machine gun it isn't effective for any long ranged Only reviews from users who have used this asset are shown The Hera CQR Front grip is a German made Grip attachment. Tips [] The Lee Enfield has a high skill gap due to its lack of customization and slow fire rate. It has large amounts of recoil, but very high damage, which makes this gun great for long distance Just like the tooltip says, the SOPMOD Block II is a jack of all trades weapon, albeit being master of none. The MK23 Suppressor is a attachment that gives the weapon 50% Suppression, making the weapon fire much more quietly than without it. [] The MK 17 CQC has 4 attachment points. It prioritizes reducing Horizontal Recoil and adds a bit of accuracy. View source History Purge Talk (0) Admin Weapons [] These are guns that exist exclusively in ModStorage. These are the Barrel, Optic, and Grip. The appearance of the reticle is a red Attachment Slots [] The AUG A3 has 4 Attachment Slots. Also, before you edit, read the rules here. yey tjmux gwsfz cxga dpehf nwpk bif ydkholbpl hwkfs cetjsymx lmrcy mnmry yxaf ebsta fkee